Me & Monkey123, went to the first ever of these Awards to support Tony at a Kensington Hotel 4 years ago, he never won that nite, Now Great he finally recognised!!
Congrats from Me....& All in The "Friends of Sky Poker FB Group"
Well done, Tikay - well deserved sir! On a personal note, you were one of the first people I met at the poker tables who was able to be a nice guy AND a total pain in the harris to play against. A rare mix but one which made me want to play more and get better at the game.
Here's the mandatory photo of the trophy. And Kendall.
I switched on to sky poker accidentally 4 or so years ago and it was Tikays manner and enthusiasm for tha game which made me to try to study it but still enjoy it.
I've joined Hitsquad and it's good to have a team atmosphere in what is essentially a lone vigil. Now I can't say that I'm a winning player probably because I'm not really a gambler at heart so I play min bi deep stacks and thoroughly enjoy a few hours entertainment. One day I'd like to meet team mates and other sky poker guys at a SPT as well as Mr T, obviously.
So thanks Teacakes as your affectionately called for you and the team on sky poker channel making poker have a wide open doorway to enable some enjoyment in a stressful world.
I even got 2nd in last nights DTD forum for the team for a grand old profit of something like £4.75 but money was irrelevent as we got a good 'team' result.
Keep up the great work and know that you ARE appreciated by a great many people.
All the best and hopefully, one day we can meet at a SPT ........
All the best
Me & Monkey123, went to the first ever of these Awards to support Tony at a Kensington Hotel 4 years ago, he never won that nite, Now Great he finally recognised!!
Congrats from Me....& All in The "Friends of Sky Poker FB Group"
Keep up the Great is appreciated!!
The Hitman
excellent, iexcellent.
good on you
Orford's name surprisingly missing from the list of winners?
"Tony Kendall missed the initial announcement of his award because he was outside listening to Neil Channing tell a long story"
do we think tikay's acceptance speech was longer or shorter than the channing story?
just messing.
very well done and well earned, couldnt have happened to a better bloke.
From a fellow plopper