If you had to pick who you think is the best player at each of these groups below, who would you personally say?
- Best Tournament player?
- Best regular Sit & Go player?
- Best DYM player?
- Best HU Sit & Go player?
- Best lower stakes cash player?
- Best higher stakes cash player?
- Best omaha cash player?
Sure there will be some differences of opinion but interesting nonetheless
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Best regular Sit & Go player? peter27
Best DYM player? peter27
Best HU Sit & Go player? peter27
Best lower stakes cash player? peter27
Best higher stakes cash player? peter27
Best omaha cash player? peter27
Next question ..
Best Tournament player? Mattbates
Only regular Sit & Go player? Evilpingu.
Best DYM player? Shanxta
Best HU Sit & Go player? Nagrom
Best lower stakes cash player? Supernova/kkrippler
Best higher stakes cash player? Offshoot
Best omaha cash player? coxylboro
Think you need a 'best allrounder' category as Tommyd would get into at least the top 5 of all 7 of those catagories! Sky pokers Jess Ennis.
- Best Tournament player? TommyD
- Best HU Sit & Go player? Bawfizzle
- Best lower stakes cash player? 50nl - Ludacris. Guy is a machine and he doesnt auto post
- Best omaha cash player? Me. I just refused to play here.