Absolute joke. some of the beats are ridiculous and sky really needs to sort it there is no way that its genuine as iv checked the statistics and they really don't add up. get a grip robbing c****.
Absolute joke. some of the beats are ridiculous and sky really needs to sort it there is no way that its genuine as iv checked the statistics and they really don't add up. get a grip robbing c****. Posted by hibs255
two nights ago we had the chip leader join our table. the player too the left stacked him with AA, the next hand he tilted too the same player, guess what he had AA, agaon he tilted again and lost too the same player although it wasn't AA 2 hands in row he had AA.
it is possible, ive seen it happen live its poker,
its up too u as a player too know when you are behind,
what where your cards too be involved the 3 times in 8 hands??? and not relise you where behind each time.
im glad u got beat by aces, u sound like a right **** Posted by THEROCK573
LOL!!! Enough said.
These threads are such a bore. It happens, its not nice granted, but it happens in ANY form of poker if you play long enough. If you want bad luck then last year I had KK v AA 15/13 times and not once outdraw them, then very deep in a big tourny I get AA v KK and yes, he hit his K. Did I blame the site? No. Did I blame poker? No. I just berated my luck, moaned to myself and then moved on. It happens. Funnilly enough, one time when I flopped quad Kings on a AKK board and the guy had AA I didnt think "aww, that guy was so unlucky, what a cheat this site is" - it was more a "wow, what a hand and I got paid" couldn't care less attitude. My point? No-one cares!
In Response to Re: 3 times i was beaten by pocket aces today : your called the rock. get a life pal Posted by hibs255
no1 my name is craig not the rock its just an alias, no2 you arnt my pal and i feel sorry for those that are and no 3 find a new hobby if you cant handle losing your job seekers allowance on poker and it makes you want to start calling a repuatable site robbing c***s on a forum!!!
You were beaten three times by aces?
You know it is the best starting hand in poker, right?
And four times out of five, aces will beat any other single hand?
But I'm sure you know this.
u think that is bad,
two nights ago we had the chip leader join our table. the player too the left stacked him with AA, the next hand he tilted too the same player, guess what he had AA, agaon he tilted again and lost too the same player although it wasn't AA 2 hands in row he had AA.
it is possible, ive seen it happen live its poker,
its up too u as a player too know when you are behind,
what where your cards too be involved the 3 times in 8 hands??? and not relise you where behind each time.
Cheers :-)))
Original Poster, sometimes that happens. Seen it happen live to a fellow in an orbit before now.