Hi all
Last night I was chatting to a gorgeous young lady and some guy call awful or something, when my front door bursted open and in piled these little green men who abducted me, and took me to thier spaceship...... er, why do I get a feeling you dont believe me?...... Ok the first part is true, I was chatting, my lights started giving it morse code large, you know flashing on and off and then..... DARK, yup you guessed, a power outage, this was I think around 8.30pm last night, power was finaly restored at 1pm today (Apart for about 5 mins at about 1.00am), so 1 missed the DYM club LOTS

Surmising that the power stays with us, fingers crosssed, I AM BACK, (The question is how much was I not missed?:))
lol.....I had to drink lager instead of tea , was'nt complaining then but am now......AWWWW my heads banging,
not bad for some1 who dont usually drink never never again....lol
thanks debs, but I think I,ve had enuff...lol.
say hi to dave and hope you,ve both had a good xmas and hope you have a good new year xx
so you was on the liquer then...lol
However since I don't actually have a sword, I told Orford to fall on his. Which of course he did and is now nursing a rather nasty sprain. Of sorts.
I think the pain is worth it though, seeing as you are back now.
Actually - daft story to follow - many years ago I lived in a small flat which had a boiler in the kitchen just below the worktop. One night I got slightly $#!+ faced on Stella then woke in the middle of the night thinking that an alien craft was overhead and they were trying to get me, so I got out of bed and crouched down next to that boiler in the hope that they wouldn't be able to detect me on their heat-sensing devices (thought I'd blend in with the hot boiler). Then I got back into bed when I thought it was safe..... and woke up several hours later, remembered the whole thing and thought ...... WHAT THE FLIP WAS I DOING?!
That's when I knew it was time to stop drinking Stella! lol