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  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481
    edited May 2014
    THE DAILY LINK no17       TRIPLE LINK!!! MARMTITE Now we all have players we like / dislike unsure about. The links today are based on one of those players, the links are a little longer than usual so if u don't have time too watch them that's fine, miby you could fit them in another time. At first when I first saw this player on the T.V only a few months ago, I wasn't sure if I would be like too be sat next too this guy, not as friendly as Dan N, or the quiets of Phil, we have here non stop arrogance and confidence from the get go, he wound me up watching him but yet made me smile at the same time.... The player is Dwyte Pilgrem. And I have grown too enjoy watching him.  The First link is Dwytes story,                                              Moving on from there are a couple of links from WPT season 9 Atlantic City. It was this game, that made me hate and like him at the same time, The link is on for a while, but if your in a rush, skip too 8 mins and watch that hand. What a different game it might have been..........                                             So the final stage of the WPT it goes heads up, I still haven't decided if he's annoying me, his loud mouthing the celebrations,  even at the final hand you will see what I mean.... BUT..... His reaction at the end, showed me a completely different person than who was talking 2 mins earlier And a smashing final hand it is too.                                             
    Posted by Chris_Mc

    Love this man, Chris, & thanks for Posting it, as it reminded me of good times.

    I had the good fortune to be sat next to him in a WSOP $1,500 PLO8 event.

    From the very get-go, he was LOUD, giving it the whooping & hollering, & he seemed, to me, a bit ott.

    Then a good friend of mine, James Dempsey, aka Flushy, who was also playing the event, came across & introduced us, as James & Dwyte are good mates.

    And from then on, I came to realise this guy was a great guy, tremendous fun.
    He was, not to be rude, HOPELESS @ PLO8, but he readily admitted it - in fact he confessed to me that he had never played PLO8 before!

    He's a proper dude, wears all the bling, & is seriously loud, but underneath that, he is a genuinely lovely chap. We have kept in touch, & I'm hoping to hook up with him in Vegas this year. If I do, I'll get a photo, & Post it on here.

  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: THE DAILY LINK! no.17. FIRST TRIPLE LINK LATER TONIGHT. : Love this man, Chris, & thanks for Posting it, as it reminded me of good times. I had the good fortune to be sat next to him in a WSOP $1,500 PLO8 event. From the very get-go, he was LOUD, giving it the whooping & hollering, & he seemed, to me, a bit ott. Then a good friend of mine, James Dempsey, aka Flushy, who was also playing the event, came across & introduced us, as James & Dwyte are good mates. And from then on, I came to realise this guy was a great guy, tremendous fun.   He was, not to be rude, HOPELESS @ PLO8, but he readily admitted it - in fact he confessed to me that he had never played PLO8 before! He's a proper dude, wears all the bling, & is seriously loud, but underneath that, he is a genuinely lovely chap. We have kept in touch, & I'm hoping to hook up with him in Vegas this year. If I do, I'll get a photo, & Post it on here.
    Posted by Tikay10

    wow. Must have been a great experiance.

    He was so loud and cocky in some of the clips. But u can see it all part of his game.
    his reaction when he wins you see the real emotion he has for it. and what he has achieved. How that last river card fell and he changes from cocky and confident too relieved with joy and tears. 

    And how it couldve been so diffrent at the pocket J.s against the 2.s in the second clip 8 mins in. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: THE DAILY LINK! no.17. FIRST TRIPLE LINK LATER TONIGHT. : wow. Must have been a great experiance. He was so loud and cocky in some of the clips. But u can see it all part of his game. his reaction when he wins you see the real emotion he has for it. and what he has achieved. How that last river card fell and he changes from cocky and confident too relieved with joy and tears.  And how it couldve been so diffrent at the pocket J.s against the 2.s in the second clip 8 mins in. 
    Posted by Chris_Mc
    It was a great experience, yes, & it is meeting, & playing with, chaps like this is what I find so rewarding about Live Poker - it's all about the characters & people we meet.

    And this guy is some character, he really is.
    So pleased you posted it, bought back some great memories, thank you.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited May 2014
    Durrrr Dwan please! :)
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: THE DAILY LINK! no.18. PRO stories. Who Would You LIke Too See????:
    Durrrr Dwan please! :)
    Posted by mrsduck
    he shall be next then mrsduck, ill see what I can come up with.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited May 2014
    weeeeeeeeeee! :)
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: THE DAILY LINK! no.18. PRO stories. Who Would You LIke Too See????:
    weeeeeeeeeee! :)
    Posted by mrsduck
    hopefully tomorrow night ill get this done.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014


    Well finally getting round too the request for Tom Dwan, watching vids on him as I type this, interesting character, which im sure most have heard of.

    with tournament earnings of over $2.6mil and ranked  284th in the all time money rank which is only 875,394 places in front of me... (ill get there.)
    he has a talent for such a young player at the age of 27.

    here is a link too his views on poker.

    he has a good read on the game, known too be aggressive but still very  carefull, can make decisions some people wouldn't, but hey that's why he is sat in the seats others dream of

    Toms biggest cash to date is $447.844 which was recently in the 2014 Aussie Millions Poker Championship, Melbourne which he came 6TH.
    But not the biggest that he has made on CASH!!!

    Love this hand he plays here with one of theeee if not the BIGGEST name in HOLD'EM and probally every poker players dream to have a hand run like this against this man!

  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014


    "I know what you have!!!!"

    This link was sent too me as a P.M, from watto84 and thank you for it because it is a fantastic clip,

    anyone ever had this happen too them I know I have, but it didn't play out anywhere near like this.

  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014

    weve all done it, miby, if you've played live, miby online, letting the time bar run down everytime calling off no raising when u have the absaloute nuts.....


    Now this guy is the most cringe worthy poker player I have watched I love this clip!!

    Anyone tried this and got paid?????
  • dangerdaidangerdai Member Posts: 362
    edited June 2014
    Great thread Chris how have I only just found it .....
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: THE DAILY LINK! no.20 CRINGE WORTHY LINK!:
    Great thread Chris how have I only just found it .....
    Posted by dangerdai
    cheers :)
    haven't been on top of it as much as when I started but back on top for now.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: THE DAILY LINK! no.20...... hollywooding:
    THE DAILY LINK 20 weve all done it, miby, if you've played live, miby online, letting the time bar run down everytime calling off no raising when u have the absaloute nuts..... HOLLYWOODING!!!!!! Now this guy is the most cringe worthy poker player I have watched I love this clip!! Anyone tried this and got paid?????
    Posted by Chris_Mc
    Another Steven Segal lol
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014
    THE DAILY LINK! no.21

    Just having a scroll through youtube, and came across this hand,

    it's nothing too special but couldn't help think if it wasn't a pro, and it was a beginner would it have ended so friendly, if it was online you know your watching that chatbox explode with abuse! 

    I have always said though from the beginning never to moan about other peoples hands, its their money, its their hand, its their choice, and if your good enough u have to know when too slow down, and miby know u might be behind, can u get away from this though.. probally not.

    but never blame anyone else or moan about their play if u do lose.

    enjoy the game, if you aint enjoyin it, don't pl
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited June 2014
    What's this "miby"  you've used a couple of times in this thread? I thought it must have been a poker player at one point but from the last post evidently not
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014
    it weegie for maybe. :)
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014


    SO having a look around youtube today and came across this, I was initially looking for a slow roll, but that will be tomorrow I think.

    this one is for the online players who might not play live quite a lot, 1st rule say before you touch your chips...... be careful what you say though!!!!!!
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited June 2014

     Keep up the good work Chris, one of these days I will catch up with the rest of these clips....will be a lot of lurkers following this thread.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited October 2014

    Its been awhile, but back with some more.

    Looking through some clips tonight whilst playing some small stakes DYM's and came across this hand.

    could anyone fold here... although he only has one card in the deck too hot he prob thinks there is  a lot more.

    I know im not.. but I never fold :)

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited October 2014
    LOL, Great thread Chris, jusr read thru, neve knew this was here!!

    Good Work!
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