A few folks have written to me, or Tweeted me, asking if I can get a bit of PLO8 Cash going.
Happy to give it a whirl for a week or so to see if others are interested.
I'll play for an hour or so @ around 10pm tonight, & most nights for the next week or so, to see if we get any action.
I'll also try, starting in the next few days, to have a Morning session, maybe 11am, & a teatime session, 6pm, again for about an hour.
Just 2p-4p, & 5p-10p for now. I'll sit at each level, & see if anyone shows up.
Be kinda nice if, off the back of this, players can post hands afterwards to discuss the rights & wrongs, & we can chew the cud about them.
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The first Supper Session will be tonight. I'll be sat there, waiting. And waiting, probably.
Post on thread if you are up for it, so it encourages others to have a go, too.
but too busy for the next few weeks to play any poker
gl though
PS glad we don't have to send the police round. Was worried that we hadn't heard from you for over 3 days!
Well I gave it a try last night, & it went a bit better than I expected.
I sat at 1 x 2p-4p Table, & 1 x 5p-10p table. The 2p-4p Table never started, so I sat out after 30 minutes.
The 5p-10p Table had one guy waiting, "raggy" (seemed a decent chap), then Melty joined, then a mate of mine from Next Door, "Luther", and soon we had a full table, happy days! One guy who had Tweeted me asking to start the game sat in, too.
We played for an hour, from 10pm, as I promised, & then the table broke.
Sat down with the Max £10, & absolutely crushed, & I do mean crushed. Cashed out for £11.70, so a Profit of 17%. (17% sounds a lot better than £1.70, right?).
When I first sat in, I was Heads Up for 10 minutes with Raggy.
Now this is a bit of a problem, as....
1) I suck at Cash
2) I suck at Heads Up.
So, he ran over me a bit for the first 5 minutes, but then I sort of sussed the coup, & started playing back at him, & it was OK after that.
At the same time, I was playing 3 x PLO8 DYM's. The teo games could not play more differently. In one, we regularly motor with a 6 or 7 BB stack, in the other we are 100 Bigs deep.
I found that a terrible struggle, to play both at once.
Anyway, it was fun, I picked up some "Double" Reward Points as a bonus. Not many, mind, but it all helps.
I'm hoping Melty or someone will give me some help with how to play Cash, as I really am not wholly comfy with it. We shall see.
Enjoyed the challenge though.
Will try & answer the Thread Comments & questions later, I'm a bit all over the shop right now.
Oh, same time, same places, tonight, at about 10pm.
No good moaning at no liquidity, we need to build it.
We proved we can with the PLO8 DYM's, so no reason not to try PLO8 Cash. And yes, maybe, NLO8 cash or SNG's eventually, though personally, I don't enjoy NLO8, as it takes the sheer beauty of the game away. IMO, of course. Each to their own, obv.
Anyway, 10pm tonight. Come take my profit.
Just started learning Omaha but once I do would be great to play a game with you... Just takes some getting use too.
Best of luck with your game , hope you get the numbers.
If you fancy learning at the lowest Limits, let me know, & I'll get it organised & sit in.
Can be....
PLO8 Cash
PLO Cash
I really want to help spread the word, Omaha is SUCH a fun game to play.
There are a bunch of regulars folks who play the PLO8 DYM's every night now - loads of them, in fact, over 100 Games run each evening - & they are the friendliest bunch you'd ever wish to meet, & they are all very helpful to newbies.
PS to Divs.
Aftere we've played a little session, we can mabye Post some hands here, or in the Clinic, & then we'll get some feedback on Ranges, Lines, that sort of thing. Ranges in Omaha are critical to understand, & get right.
Nice one Tikay.. Im one of those people who will study the game and then play when I feel like I can put in a performance, that (A )I wont get beat often or (B)Will give as good as it gets.....I will get back to you soon but..
Thankyou, Gentleman as always. P.s Would be refreshing have a game going each night as too much Texas can get a bit tedious. needs must but pays the bills and more.. Take care Divs.
Yes, if you fancy it, ditto anyone else, I'll open up a few Tables @ around 10pm. I'll do it for the next few night to see if anyone is up for it.
Just 2p-4p & 5p-10p.
I may not be able to chat, as I'll be having a DYM session at the same time, but that's a bonus, right?
Quick Update.
After we got a 5p-10p game going on Thursday night, I tried again on Friday night. Nothing, nada, zilch, no action.
Last night - Saturday, I tried again. I opened 1 x 2p-4p table, & 1 x 5p-10p Table.
Within 10 minutes, we had THREE x 2p-4p tables going. Boom!
The games lasted for about 2 hours, until midnight, when I departed, cocoa time.
Those playing included.....
Tom Mull
Pretty pleased with that. Except that they took all my money. Ugh.
We began nice & gentle Jesus, so that the newcomers could see flops, & get a better feel. Just small-ball, & no pressure applied, & nobody won or lost much.
Once the Big Boys arrived in Town, the nature of the play changed, & we started playing for stacks. Wacko90 NEVER has it, just so you know. Nor does Ivanovic, he tried to get me off Aces with 8 high. As if.
I will try & do it again tonight, but can't promise 100%. I need to be up early tomorrow, so can't have a late night, & also, I'm finding it very tough to play Cash, & DYM's alongside each other, which is badly affecting my DYM win-rate. But I'll try.
Maybe see you later. Will defo be playimg a DYM session first, though. Need the Reward Points.
A couple of questions hit the Chat box last night, but with 7 Tables on the go, I could not really reply.
I'll Post them in the "Cash Poker Strategy" Board shortly.
Just basic stuff, but quite useful to those not used to PLO8 or PLO cash.