This is not my hand but it got me thinking.
Last night an 10nl on a MC table I watched an all in pot between two stacks of 400BB deep getting it all in pre with AA v KK. Now, my question is;
Is that just a cooler or bad play to call it off with KK? I cant remember the exact way it went but I think it got to four bet then over bet all in by AA. So is it profitable to be calling it off with KK? I for one would have folded as I think 400BB is just too much to get it in with other than AA in cash. The players in question where both aggressive players (not manaics) but I still think its wrong.
Am I right or wrong?
I am not sure what the threshold is, obviously 100BB its just going to go like that most of the time and even to some extent 200BB (player dependant) but surely 400BB is too much to be profitable?