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ted's thread, innit.



  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2014
    hehe, honestly i'd be VERY nervous doing anything like that. and would very politely decline.

    but i will be cracking on, promise! BR nittiness is nothing to be admired, i know.

    real life concerns are more the thing, but i know laregly its a cop-out.

    rationally, i know i should be taking WAY more shots.

  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited March 2014
    I agree with you about Tony Benn may he RIP m8 a true socialist something that is missing from the current lot even tho I'm still a member all be it sleeping atm.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: ted's thread, innit.:
    In Response to Re: ted's thread, innit. : Dn't be such a tart! :P I know I cnt really talk as I'm in a similar position with moving up and kakking myself. But that's because I dnt really believe 100% that I can do it. You must believe you can crack £5 and then £10 HU's! turbos, especially. If it'd make u feel better how about being staked by a group of people who have a small interest rather than 1 person with a big interest? I'd be interested for sure, I was thinking the same before chikn mentioned it. Could be a fun (and no doubt profitable) community sweat thread, I know this kind of thing happens on other forums. The return wouldn't be great for for investors, but easy money risk free is easy money risk free right! Maybe when you're crushing skaiwalkurrrrr, jungleman and my old mate (yes I knew him!) 147 star @ $500's u can return the favour and help me graduate from £10s to £20s. lol  We can create a monster. Lets gooooooo.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    +1. I've often thought that you would be the prime lower stakes player on Sky to back. You talk about certain aspects of poker in such detail that I don't even know what you're going on about tbh! Seems a shame that a limited BR is possibly holding you back from reaching your full potential.

    Run well sir!
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,706
    edited March 2014
    Yeah, I'd go for that.

    + 2.
  • nickd49931nickd49931 Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2014
    You should at least try the odd nightly spin up, win 2x £5 turbo's and then play a £10 turbo, if you win two play a £20. By playing two of each you are locking up some profit which is nice rather than one at a time an just losing rake by the time you finally lose a game. It is a great roll builder an will let you see some of the competition higher up. (Which like others has said is very poor all the way to 20s from what I've seen).

    Don't think I've ever played you HU but I know Thoich said you have a solid game and by the looks of your posts they seem to back it up. Will be following the thread with interest anyway GL.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited March 2014
    This is already one of the best reads on the forum.

    For a bit of perspective a month ago, maybe a bit over that, i stopped playing as many turbos and was playing a lot more hypers. £3 hypers, 2 tabling. Ended up heatering and making a load of profit, the last few weeks i'm probably down from playing hypers. The variance in them is just so  massive.

    Might be woerthwhile for the time being just sticking to Turbo's where the skill edge is greater.

    It was a really good idea of Benc, Nickd nad thoic playing a certain amount of games, 800-1k at one level before moving up to the next.

    You'll soon be playing fiver games and crushing.

    If you ever want to do a sweat session, or go over some hand histories i'd be more than happy to do that and i'm sure some others that have commented so far would also be up for it. 

  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: ted's thread, innit.:
    hehe, honestly i'd be VERY nervous doing anything like that. and would very politely decline. but i will be cracking on, promise! BR nittiness is nothing to be admired, i know. real life concerns are more the thing, but i know laregly its a cop-out. rationally, i know i should be taking WAY more shots.
    Posted by TeddyBloat

    Hi Ted

    grow a pair :)

    although I do think its better in general to do it with your own money (and keep all the profits!), if your not keen on risking the money yourself, then there are clearly alot of people from the forum who would for you - Take that as a massive compliment!

    one thing I will say - any money I stake, or anyone else (probably), its money I'm willing to lose. I know the risks and wouldnt blame you if you lost every penny - its my decision to back you or not (if you were willing to be backed). I wouldnt blame my footy team for losing when i bet on them, I'd blame myself for making the bet, or I'd just say "oh well, it was a good bet, it just didnt turn out the way I hoped". ...I guess what I'm trying to say is, dont let fear hold you back. The offer still stands, so PM me if your interested. would also do a community staking thing if you preferred.

    anyway, this isn't meant to be pressure to take a stake offer, its just an offer of support if you want it. Like I said, your own money is better for you if you can bear to risk it.

    I agree with some of the other comments. If I were you, I'd be playing the slightly slower structure HU games. Yes, they do take longer, but your ROI will be higher, and the varience will be less brutal.

    How long have you been playing poker btw? 

    I'd be very suprised if you don't "make it" as a poker player, providing you don't let confidence and (fear of losing) money hold you back. with the level of knowledge you have displayed in the few posts/emails I have read of yours, you should be playing £50+ HU SNG in no time, and who knows after that.

  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: ted's thread, innit.:
    hehe, honestly i'd be VERY nervous doing anything like that. and would very politely decline. but i will be cracking on, promise! BR nittiness is nothing to be admired, i know. real life concerns are more the thing, but i know laregly its a cop-out. rationally, i know i should be taking WAY more shots.
    Posted by TeddyBloat

    Hi Ted

    grow a pair :)

    although I do think its better in general to do it with your own money (and keep all the profits!), if your not keen on risking the money yourself, then there are clearly alot of people from the forum who would for you - Take that as a massive compliment!

    one thing I will say - any money I stake, or anyone else (probably), its money I'm willing to lose. I know the risks and wouldnt blame you if you lost every penny - its my decision to back you or not (if you were willing to be backed). I wouldnt blame my footy team for losing when i bet on them, I'd blame myself for making the bet, or I'd just say "oh well, it was a good bet, it just didnt turn out the way I hoped". ...I guess what I'm trying to say is, dont let fear hold you back. The offer still stands, so PM me if your interested. would also do a community staking thing if you preferred.

    anyway, this isn't meant to be pressure to take a stake offer, its just an offer of support if you want it. Like I said, your own money is better for you if you can bear to risk it.

    I agree with some of the other comments. If I were you, I'd be playing the slightly slower structure HU games. Yes, they do take longer, but your ROI will be higher, and the varience will be less brutal.

    How long have you been playing poker btw? 

    I'd be very suprised if you don't "make it" as a poker player, providing you don't let confidence and (fear of losing) money hold you back. with the level of knowledge you have displayed in the few posts/emails I have read of yours, you should be playing £50+ HU SNG in no time, and who knows after that.

  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2014
    ok, i decided to stop being a pusssaaayyy, innit.

    played 21 £5 games and finished six BI's up. nice to run well when taking a shot i can tell you. [at my winrate at the £2 games it would have took me around 100 games to win the same amount].

    had a meh start, and got sat by a diamond starred HU  beast in my third game of the day. terrific player, fortunately i hit every draw / flop and won the crucial flip.

    after a HUSNG you are offered the choice of challenging for a rematch or decling any potential offers.

    a funny thing can happen in the rematch box when you play someone you dont particularly want to have a long session against [2 matches would count as a long session for me against him, and i certainly didnt want to start my first session warring against that sort of player]. obv you dont want to hit decline and look weak, likewise you dont want to provoke a potential decline into a rematch by challenging the cat.

    sometimes they feel the same way, so you both sorta let the box time down, and mutually back out of the room without being the first to blink.

    often when it happens like that, it reminds me of that scene in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, where tom goes to hatchet harry's office with two unloaded guns and faces big chris weilding an axe. tom had to respect the fact his guns werent loaded and chris had to respect the possibility that they were. they both back out without appearing to blink...

    in todays games, i was the one holding the two unloaded guns. i had to respect the fact i was lucky enough to have had the cards to have been able to check raise and 3 bet a top player often; he had to respect the fact that i might be good enough to do that to him light...

  • nickd49931nickd49931 Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2014
    Plat star opponent doesn't play too many 5s an he'll soon give you respect an avoid your games. Also given your understanding of nash i'd say you have a decent edge in the late stages. He's actually in my top 5 most profitable opponent list so have always enjoyed the battle. Good start with the 5s keep it up
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: ted's thread, innit.:
    ok, i decided to stop being a pusssaaayyy, innit. played 21 £5 games and finished six BI's up. nice to run well when taking a shot i can tell you. [at my winrate at the £2 games it would have took me around 100 games to win the same amount]. had a meh start, and got sat by a diamond starred HU  beast in my third game of the day. terrific player, fortunately i hit every draw / flop and won the crucial flip. after a HUSNG you are offered the choice of challenging for a rematch or decling any potential offers. a funny thing can happen in the rematch box when you play someone you dont particularly want to have a long session against [2 matches would count as a long session for me against him, and i certainly didnt want to start my first session warring against that sort of player]. obv you dont want to hit decline and look weak, likewise you dont want to provoke a potential decline into a rematch by challenging the cat. sometimes they feel the same way, so you both sorta let the box time down, and mutually back out of the room without being the first to blink. often when it happens like that, it reminds me of that scene in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, where tom goes to hatchet harry's office with two unloaded guns and faces big chris weilding an axe. tom had to respect the fact his guns werent loaded and chris had to respect the possibility that they were. they both back out without appearing to blink... in todays games, i was the one holding the two unloaded guns. i had to respect the fact i was lucky enough to have had the cards to have been able to check raise and 3 bet a top player often; he had to respect the fact that i might be good enough to do that to him light...
    Posted by TeddyBloat

    nice work Teddy! I bet it feels good to take a shot and it actually go well

    do you have a plan for your shot taking? or just seeing how it goes?

  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2014
    i think there's merit in nick's suggestion of fluidly moving up and down the levels. certainly that's the optimal way to grow a bankroll. i've read up on kelly criterion and it all looks gravy, but im not all that worried about exponential sick growth. steady accruement is more my style.

    i think if i post a couple of decent sessions at a given level i'll sit the one above, if it goes all meh and pear shaped then just drop back down and rebuld for another shot. as long as i keep moving down with more than i move up with it should pan out.
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: ted's thread, innit.:
    i think there's merit in nick's suggestion of fluidly moving up and down the levels. certainly that's the optimal way to grow a bankroll. i've read up on kelly criterion and it all looks gravy, but im not all that worried about exponential sick growth. steady accruement is more my style. i think if i post a couple of decent sessions at a given level i'll sit the one above, if it goes all meh and pear shaped then just drop back down and rebuld for another shot. as long as i keep moving down with more than i move up with it should pan out.
    Posted by TeddyBloat

    sounds good. where most players fall down though is the moving back down part. me included. Its how I busted my first roll a couple of years ago (combined with a lack of skill. lol).

    I dont think you will have that problem though.
  • golds95golds95 Member Posts: 132
    edited March 2014
    Good luck with this one mate, clearly the best reg at hu at the level you were playing on sky, im back on sky after withdrewing my roll from another site so with you gone from £1, £2 games will make it easier for me ;) 
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited March 2014
    thought i might share a little story about one of the chaps i work with: one of the fellas in the home wears a small gold caterpillar on his tie. if you ever see a fella with a gold caterpillar on his tie, doff your cap to him, or borrow a cap to doff. you dont get to wear one without earning it. i have to change the name, just in case like.

    billy served in the airforce during the war. billy's squadron was known as the 'suicide squad'. average flight-life of a man in the squadron:  11hours. if you lived to see 12 hours you were running well. more specifically he was a rear gunner on a halifax bomber. that meant he was in a little glass pod poking out near the tail section  at the rear of the plane. - the most exposed part of the plane. to make matters worse the rear gunner marked the bullseye that the enemy planes would aim for: one if you take the tail out, then the plane cannot fly, two if you take out the rear gunner the plane cant fire back.

    billy, however did run well, and was seen as lucky and was indeed known as 'goldenballs' by virtue of not having died in the course of doing his job. kinda puts some gripes into perspective. but his luck did run out and on a mission over germany the inevitable happened and his plane caught fire. his captain ordered him to bail out  - the skipper would go down with the plane having kept it steady enough for his men to escape. billy had to bail out of his little pod, backwards. his parachute training amounted to being told: 'when you are clear of the plane... pull'

    19, jumping out of a burning plane, no training, over germany... backwards.

    [did i really get miffed when my sky+ missed the begginging of MOTD...]

    it didn't end there for billy as he didn't just land in enemy land. billy had the misfortune to helplessly parachute right into the grounds of a POW camp. into the barracks, in fact. the germans had seen the plane do down and were all out in the barracks square as billy flopped right into their quarters. luckily it was a lufftewaffe camp - the german airforce - and billy was quicky informed "dont worry we are all airmen here".  he was spared work and the horrors of a land-army ran POW camp and was allowed to pursue his art along with another airman who was captured in not dissimilar circumstances. they formed a close bond and did the most beautiful pen and ink sketches depicting POW life, and morale boosting caricatures of their 'hosts'.

    what of the caterpillar, then. well the golden caterpillar was awarded to all airmen who had the trauma of having to bail out of a stricken plane and survive. the caterpillar represents the thin thread that their lives hung by. some decades later billy was working in the art department of a ladies catolouge, when a work mate noticed his caterpillar and informed him that another man wore one in another department. billy went to meet this man and found it was his old artist mate from the POW camp. two hero's renunited and best friends to this day. billy, by the way is an extremely mild mannered and modest chap. but he misses the excitement of those days. i guess the everyday 9-5 life we all lead must seem dull and yet so precious at the same time to him.

    well played, billy. tis a pleasure to know you.

    and if you see a fella with a caterpillar in his lapel, give him a nod as you go by...
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014

    Oh my word.

    Not found time to read this (non) Diary before ("Skill & Go" Q & A has been a tad distracting), but what a cracking read, loved so much of it, & can't wait for the next instalment.

    Or, as the kids say on grown up poker forums....


    Thank you for a lovely read, which has quite cheered me up.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014

    Not quite sure what parts I enjoyed most.

    The Billy tale might just have been the best.

    Can you even imagine? 19 years of age, sitting in the bomb turret of a flying incendiary bomb, with a life expectancy of 11 hours? It is beyond belief, such bravery & - a word I refuse to use in poker - what a hero.

    I have no idea why the Billy story makes me think of a PM I received recently. A gentleman wrote an X,000 word ranty PM to me because........due to what he believed was a Sky Poker software glitch ( & for all I know, it was, I've no idea), he MISSED THE FIRST HAND OF A DEEPSTACK MTT. He described this as "outrageous", & included 7 exclamation marks in case I was in doubt. Because multi-exclamation marks really work. Not.
    Times have changed, eh? In the greater schemer of things, the 70 years between Billy's heroics, & today, are nothing, but have people's expectations ever changed so much in such a short time-span?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014

    I very much enjoyed your comments on Tony Benn, who passed away last week.

    As you are clearly a fan of his, I hope you won't mind if I post some stuff I wrote elsewhere about Mr Benn after he died.

    I apologise in advance for the mini-hijack of this wonderful (non) Diary, but these (non)Diaries ONLY work if you get interaction.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014

    "......What terrible news, although of course he was closing in on 90 years of age, so not unexpected.

    Despite disagreeing with his political views on almost every count, I adored listening to him speak on Radio & TV. Bit like listening to Enoch Powell, you don't need to agree with his views to enjoy the beautiful style of oratory.

    He published his Diaries in several volumes, 5 or 6 I think, & they are the equal best Diaries I've ever read from a Politician, the other being from Alan Clark, who was at exactly the other end of the Political & social spectrum.

    The most likeable aspect of him was that he was a thoroughly decent, good man. A really good man.

    The world is a poorer place without him, but he'll be upstairs, in a better place, where he deserves to be.

    I'm so saddened to learn of his passing.

    RIP Mr Benn......."
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited March 2014

    "....When I was a (relatively) young man, Tony Benn - then Lord Wedgewood Benn* I think, but he later renounced his Peerage - was the "Postmaster General", a big position in those days.

    In that role, he "closed down" the Pirate Radio Stations, moored off Frinton on Sea, Essex. We despised him for that, because until then, we never had "pop music" on the radio, but it was his idea to introduce Radio 1, & the rest, for better or worse, is history.

    I might just have forgiven him for that eventually.

    Simply a good man.

    "This idea that politics is all about charisma and spin is rubbish," he said. " It is trust that matters."

    Many of us disliked him, or his policies. I don't recall anyone disliking him though.

    Do please try & read his Diaries, some of which were penned by his late wife, Caroline, I seem to recall. He was devestated when she passed away, some 15 years asgo.

    Family life was very important to him, & he was incredibly proud of his children, all of whom are in Politics. A large part of his Diaries revolved around family life, & fine detail....."

    * This was incorrect, it was later pointed out to me that he was previously Viscount Stansgate.   
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