In Response to Re: Skill & Go Chirps Binks & Porkies : Lol... Im assuming they have made GOOD calls and won the hands when you were bluffing!! gg to them Posted by bigflop1
In Response to Re: Skill & Go Chirps Binks & Porkies : Tongue was firmly in cheek. Posted by hhyftrftdr
Sorry mate so was mine.... Cant be results orientated and count a call with underpair to board vs ur overpair only to hit on river as good call. Was only trying to be akward lol
Incase anyone was interested if you played 30 dyms and won 28 your roi would be 69.68% (assuming you played the lower rake buy ins) so this currently is enough to make top six but probably wont last the day.
So its likely you needed 29 wins from 30 in dyms to have qualified for this promo.
This confirms what most people had thought prior to the promo so hopefully sky can run a dym promo some time inthe future
Fascinating promo all the same.....just wondering if those in 5th, 6th and 7th place are considering playing again tonight or staying put?
Made a late attempt to complete on the last day. After 26 games was on 67.83%, regged for another accidently and lost so had to try to play catch up in the last 1hr and ran like Forest Gump with no legs when all I needed to do was reg for 4 dyms.
Excellent promo but will definitely not try it with 1 day to go! Congrats to all those who made the top 6!
Think I may have missed out. I can see that a few have gone past me. A couple with stats blocked may also have got there. Plus there may be a couple who have completed their games today.
Saw DoubleAAA was having a run at it. Looked like he would do it. You actually got 70% at one stage.
Huge congrats to Waooga. To get that ROI having played 30 of your 33 games as Dyms is an incredible achievement.
Also well done to Pocket9s. Must have been a tough decision to play that one game and all credit to you for getting a result.
Was sitting in 5th on the last day, but assumed many on the boarder would be playing to try push some of us out of the top 6, so i decided to take a big gamble and play 1 more six max, and took it down. So i should now have a ROI of 76.08% if im not mistaken, so hopefully ill see some of you guys Thursday at 9pm .
Fantastic promotion. Think I may have missed out. I can see that a few have gone past me. A couple with stats blocked may also have got there. Plus there may be a couple who have completed their games today. Saw DoubleAAA was having a run at it. Looked like he would do it. You actually got 70% at one stage. Huge congrats to Waooga. To get that ROI having played 30 of your 33 games as Dyms is an incredible achievement. Also well done to Pocket9s. Must have been a tough decision to play that one game and all credit to you for getting a result. Posted by Jac35
Hi jac and ty... Yeah it was a very tough decision to play one last game. I thought a few may overtake me, but figured that you wouldnt p,ay thinking your seat was safe so i played 1 dym which would take me past you if i won or out of it if i lost.. £3 dym?? More like playing a 500 dym!! Was the worst dym of my life. Started well winning a few big pots with a flopped straight and quads.. But then on the bubble slipwater knew my position and used it to bully my blinds.. He knew i went gonna call without a premium and attacked my blinds until i snapped and called his all in with AQ v his A10. He hit his 10 on flop and i was nearly crying until a miracle on river gave me the straight.
Was sitting in 5th on the last day, but assumed many on the boarder would be playing to try push some of us out of the top 6, so i decided to take a big gamble and play 1 more six max, and took it down. So i should now have a ROI of 76.08% if im not mistaken, so hopefully ill see some of you guys Thursday at 9pm . Posted by GSmith13
Well played
Was kind of hoping the top 6 would all sit out yesterday
I hope he has a porkpie hat!!
Excellent promo but will definitely not try it with 1 day to go! Congrats to all those who made the top 6!