The REAL table is published now. AndyL still out in front, a couple of the ROIs are a little higher now the bug has been sorted. Gazza - our immense gratitude will have to suffice as a reward for this one :-) Posted by Sky_DanR
Gratitude can be shown in a number of ways.
One of those ways is a gift.
I'm not fussy. I will accept a Primo seat instead!
In Response to Re: Skill & Go Chirps Binks & Porkies : Gratitude can be shown in a number of ways. One of those ways is a gift. I'm not fussy. I will accept a Primo seat instead! #youknowyouwantto Posted by gazza127
I've basically shot myself in the foot with this promo. Got to 30 games with an Ave ROI in the mid to high 40s. I ask some friends, do you think that'll be enough? No they say. I try to improve it. Swong. Sigh. So two options. Either I give up or I end up grinding into the hundreds to try to get it back. I wonder which I will choose..... [ ] Actually wondering Posted by TommyD
In Response to Re: Skill & Go Chirps Binks & Porkies : Mate, begging doesn't work with Mila Kunis. What makes you think it will work with Sky Dan? Posted by Slipwater
In Response to Re: Skill & Go Chirps Binks & Porkies : Mate, begging doesn't work with Mila Kunis. What makes you think it will work with Sky Dan? Posted by Slipwater
Me and Mila have many things in common, begging not working on us is but one.
Will be interesting to see how the table looks in a couple days Mr Sky Dan, have you revealed how the payout for the winners table would be? Do you envisage all 6th places would be paid? Posted by alex1229
Yeh all 6 paid. We're getting a Skill & Go Final placeholder put in the lobby today but the payouts will be...
In Response to Re: Skill & Go Chirps Binks & Porkies : Me and Mila have many things in common, begging not working on us is but one. Posted by Sky_DanR
safe to say i wont be swapping my mtts to grind these annoying little things, not very enjoyable and im pretty rubbish at them too!!! 30 games now completed , won 5 2nd 5 lost 20. i know its a terrible effort but out of interest if anyone can give me the roi for them then please do. cheers!!! Posted by THEROCK573
safe to say i wont be swapping my mtts to grind these annoying little things, not very enjoyable and im pretty rubbish at them too!!! 30 games now completed , won 5 2nd 5 lost 20. i know its a terrible effort but out of interest if anyone can give me the roi for them then please do. cheers!!! Posted by THEROCK573
What makes you think it will work with Sky Dan?
*runs away*
-1 for every loss
(return-stake)/stake for every cash
add em all up and divide by total # of games
(5(2.55)+3(0.91)-5)/13 which is about 80%
30 games now completed , won 5 2nd 5 lost 20.
i know its a terrible effort but out of interest if anyone can give me the roi for them then please do. cheers!!!