Only just tuned in, looks like I've missed a great show. My formula is not to play against Julian. In the main events on Tuesdy and Wednesday this week he busted me both times..I had KK on each hand and he beat me with KA and....35!!!
I hate him!!!! Only joking, just wish I ran as good!!!
Thanks for giving me some confidence from my last post. Is nice to hear good things from the pros (Orford included) :-). Hopefully tomorrow will be the night it changes!
only 3 left...
Basically I was asking if we agreed that calling down in the 108 hand was the best line. You didnt have much time to talk it over at the time.
EDIT - Yes... yes i definitely derailed another thread. Sigh.
Just in and i forgot to record the programme!
I sent in a hand, where i folded Aces on the river when the board ran out JJQxQ.
Was just wondering, do you think checkings pretty terrible to let opponent barrell turn and river?
Also if it was a blank on the river, i was going to raise to get value from a Q. Do you think this is 2 thin, in case the guy has a jack?
With the overbet on the river... I either have nuts or air.
And knowing me... i probably have air quite a bit so Tommys call is almost standard!
The ROI on SNG is only the same or standard where 10% of the buyin is the fee - i.e. £1 + £0.10 fee or £3.00 + £0.30 fee
I think 60p are only for DYM? and they are £0.50 + £0.10, which is 20% fee and this reduces the ROI compared to 10% fee SNG
Warning over - as you were
As opposed to
Tedious, Controvertial, old, rambling, Fashion Mistake = Las Vegas Gig + sharing the sofa with the best eye candy!
Not heaven = ****
Noisy person = Mouth/Muth
Sharpern up guys!
richard + ryan + julian = george + zippy + bungle