I'm in a £22 dym game and also the £55 bh game - neither table will load - and neither will online chat No answer on telephone either - I hope I get a redfund for this £77 Posted by IrishRose
I've even tried to load on ipad - but games won't load on that either
i getting the same was in the 20K sat but it didn't reload now i am not able to play the orford league, main or mini and if thats not bad enough i crashed yesterday at a point i hit a set of aces
Was playing the €100 deep stack when the table crashed. Tried two different browsers to get it going again. Anybody else in the same boat? Posted by Gollygosh
some people are still in the game stealing ev1 blinds
I am somehow still connected. Im basically just sitting on tables with two live players and blind stealing because there is nothing else that I can do really. I assume they will cancel the tournaments anyway. I guess I could sit out too but then others in the tournaments still connected could gain bigger stacks in the meantime. What an almighty mess.
I was playing two bh tournaments and the tables were not loading. I am not happy with a refund as I could have won more money in these tournaments. So?
sort it out sky please
Orfordable DS still running but half the table are away.