Hi everybody,
Due to the large number of requests for an Omaha freeroll we will be changing the £300 Free Cash Freeroll at 7pm on Monday 24th March to a Pot Limit Omaha Hi freeroll .
This freeroll shall cost 50 poker points to enter and will have a prizepool of £300.
Hope you all enjoy.
Sky Peter.
All the best
There is much confusion over how the 2 main Omaha variants are known.
Almost universally, "Hi only" Omaha is properly described as Pot Limit Omaha, or PLO.
"Hi-Lo" as we tend to call it, is actually "Pot Limit Omaha, Eight or Better". That is how it is described in the WSOP schedules, which is good enough for me. In the UK, we generally call it "Hi-Lo Omaha".
I'll probably join you soon, Jock.
I play exclusively PLO8 @ present (Online), & I can't mix PLO & PLO8, it always ends badly, the games are totally different in every way, most especially as to opening ranges. I just can't play the 2 games at the same time.
It's quite possible that from April, I'll switch from PLO8 to PLO, & maybe try to rev up the PLO liquidity. It worked well with PLO8 (also my favourite & best game) so it might work with PLO, too.