I am going to try my luck at some live poker at DTD. What tournaments on a Friday or Saturday night can anybody recommend for about £50 buyin?? Also, how long do these tournaments normally last?
As a live virgin there may be a few things I'm unsure of. Are most players a friendly bunch who will give advice or would I just have to figure things out for myself?? I think get the basics such as not acting out of turn and announcing raise X etc...........having said that, if there is 500 in the middle and I say raise to 1500, does that mean I put in another 1500 or put in 1000 to make it 1500 (if you know what I mean).
Sorry for waffling on, all advice appreciated!
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I don't play live much myself, but am playing a sat for the GUKPT Leeds leg on Wednesday night, first live outing in a long time, so I need to heed my own advice- Just try to pay attention (as silly as it sounds but its easy for your mind to wander without even realising), act in turn, don't splash or try and touch the pot. And look to protect your cards at all times.
Most people are friendly, and should help if they see you're a live novice.
Good luck sir!
PS- not sure on their schedules, but I know they have recently introduced a £15 MTT with a 5k gtd. Hunt the value in that. And keep your eyes off the lovely service girls
Sanitising hand gel? lol I'm guessing this is because the chips have been in many people's hands??
Right gonna get my backside down there and see how it goes! BTW, I take it I can become a member just by taking photo ID with me on the night?
I think people are splitting hairs with the raising business. If you announce raise then say an amount that is the amount of your bet, the pot size is irrelevant (unless you under raise). so if you say raise 1500 you'll put that in the pot no matter the pot size.
Little tip for live reads. Don't take the micky with regards to slowing play down, but try and watch people when they first look at their hole cards. Inexperienced players give a lot away. Also the rule of opposites. If they act weak/not bothered=monster. Quiet/nervous=bluff. That is a very general rule of thumb.
Have fun and remember, don't rush. Live poker is very slow compared to online and pay attention when you are not in the hand, info gather ALLLLLLLLL the time.
where abouts you from mate? im in Bradford, I've played in Leeds a fair bit
XXL £25 Giant
20K starting stack
20 min blinds
£10,000 gtd
Gonna be difficult to resist that one.
Might take the missus, stay in a hotel and make a weekend (dirty) of it or I might just drive down, dunno yet.