In Response to 18 player Six max in Lobby NOW! : should be fun. I like Multi table SNGs. volume could be an issue... be interesting to see if any actually run? are there only £1.10 stakes available for now? Posted by chicknMelt
Last night a couple did run, hope you all enjoy. We would like to introduce more of these tournaments at different price points and at different speeds if interest is high.
Just to clarify, these do not count towards the Sit and Go promotion which focus on Sit and Gos with 6 entrants.
In Response to Re: 18 player Six max in Lobby NOW! : Hi, Last night a couple did run, hope you all enjoy. We would like to introduce more of these tournaments at different price points and at different speeds if interest is high. Just to clarify, these do not count towards the Sit and Go promotion which focus on Sit and Gos with 6 entrants. Cheers. Posted by SkyPeter
I think you'l see volume increase if you pin them at the top of the mtt lobby.
Structures need to be right to run. Atm after 15 mins keeping your starting stack you have 10bb's. Posted by belsibub
it's under the turbo tab which fits with the turbo structure but it's called a speed 6 max so should really have a 5 min blind structure something to be looked at I suppose
It's ok saying you would like a 30 man sng
It's ok saying you want a 7 min blind structure
It's ok saying Multi Table SNGs are the way forward
if no one is going to give this one a chance none of the above wont have a chance neither
Regards Alan
plenty of value guys I'm in it lol
Turbos are hugely popular all over the tinternet, apart from here. (because there aren't any)
Maybe add 1 or 2 extra levels, or 1 minute to the clock. But making them turbos is the right idea.
but it's called a speed 6 max so should really have a 5 min blind structure
something to be looked at I suppose
8 reg jump in lads
1st £9 2nd £5.40 3rd £3.60