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The next Skill N Go



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The next Skill N Go:
    In Response to Re: The next Skill N Go : I disagree. In my opinion a good chunk of the promotional budget should also be spent attracting newbies and encouraging low volume recreational players to get more involved and try new games. A mixed strategy like this will be far better for the poker economy in the long run than giving 90%+ of the promotional budget to a small clique who are already a captive audience anyway. Surely you're wise enough to realise that most promotional money won by newbies and losing recreational players gets recycled back into the poker economy and eventually ends up in the pockets of those at the top of the pyramid anyway?
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Couldn't agree more Gary
    Well said fella
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited March 2014
    Well said Gary. Things are looking very tight at the top of this promo now good luck to everyone involved.....Im rooting for you Waooga!

  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: The next Skill N Go:
    In Response to Re: The next Skill N Go : I disagree. In my opinion a good chunk of the promotional budget should also be spent attracting newbies and encouraging low volume recreational players to get more involved and try new games. A mixed strategy like this will be far better for the poker economy in the long run than giving 90%+ of the promotional budget to a small clique who are already a captive audience anyway. Surely you're wise enough to realise that most promotional money won by newbies and losing recreational players gets recycled back into the poker economy and eventually ends up in the pockets of those at the top of the pyramid anyway?
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Look I don't disagree that low volume and rec players should be targeted in these promotions AS WELL. But there needs to be at least some incentive for the reg's to stick to sky and partcipate in the promo's otherwise they'll be lost to other sites - they're a captive audience atm because right now sky do cater their promotions towards them. Also, there's no guarantee that the money from the low stakes grinders will get recycled back into the poker economy anyway - suppose a low stakes player wins this sNg challenge. There's a good chance they'll then withdraw most, if not all of it and carry on playing low stakes, depositing maybe £20 a month that they always do. Sure, they'll continue to play on the site but they probably would w/o winning the promo - 

    Sure, it's possible a degen wins and then donates it off playing cash. But it won't be evenly distributed back to all the regs - only those lucky enough to encounter them at w/e stakes they play.

    If this promotion was changed to what chicknmelt suggested it would still give low stakes players plenty of oppertunity, it would just give bigger grinders a slightly better chance (assuming an equal skill set)

    edit: Something else quite important that I forgot to mention: Rec's are not the only ones that 'benefit' from this promo. Plenty of reg's that no longer play much on sky can come take advantage of these promo's as and when they choose. The money they win is not going back into the poker economy either. (not on sky anyway)

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2014

    Well, it now sounds like you're beginning to agree with me.

    I suggested that "promotions should be a mixed bag", ie some should reward high-volume grinders and encourage them to be loyal to Sky, while others should be targetted at attracting newbies and retaining low to mid volume break-even and losing players.

    You initially said "the idea of a promo is by and large to reward players who are putting in a lot of volume".

    At no point did I suggest that no promotions ever should favour the regs, I just think the budget should be shared around a bit. There should be a promotion to suit every type of player at some point. It would be a big mistake to throw all money at one small group.

    A site that has only regs left will be a site that dies, there needs to be a balance.

  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2014
    My original wording wasn't very good. Basically I think all promo's should try and be aimed at both. As opposed to some promo's being aimed at regs where as others are solely aimed at rec players. For example I don't like the standard cash points race where only the most high volume players get rewarded and whereby rec players get absolutely nothing.

    However, I do like this promotion "with a few tweaks" so that there is incentive for reg's to carry on playing but also an incentive for rec's to give the promotion a go. 

    The new ipad Air promotion also seems a reasonably good idea - anyone can win one, but the higher stakes grinders have more of a chance. 
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