In Response to Re: A Game of Ducks - Mini Challenge ~ £36 -? : Were you watching? They were quackers to think they could beat me! Posted by mrsduck
Yeah, watched HU you & Gary Quack Quack Quack! (gettit?) I have to say to beat G at HU is a pretty awesome! Gary has won more HU than I've had magret de canard! (at last count 170 odd, thats G btw not me!!)
In Response to Re: A Game of Ducks - Mini Challenge ~ £36 -? : Yeah, watched HU you & Gary Quack Quack Quack! (gettit?) I have to say to beat G at HU is a pretty awesome! Gary has won more HU than I've had magret de canard! (at last count 170 odd, thats G btw not me!!) Posted by Glenelg
Played a few tournies today, had some run good and played really well, clocked up some decent money. Unfortunately went on a MC table and lost £100, stupid duck.
Not really played this week, been busy at work and been a bit poorly (had to reg at the doctors and go for the first time in years too) so feeling a bit ducky down.
Hunted out the old 60p DYM challenge...would love to be the first person to complete both spin up challenges so giving that a go and hoping it will cheer me up a bit
Busy Ducky no time for poker at the moment really....sniff!
BUT Just won a freeroll now back to work! might be able to play on sunday... GL and run well everyone, have a nice weekend! I'll try and play some HU's when I get the chance
Not going to be posting much these days... School's busy, sweaty classrooms, 2 Weddings in August, a Birthday and a Christening...could really do with a break, maybe September! Been playing freerolls and low stakes. Am also trying the DYM spin-up challenge, my best run so far was to level 6 Was going to try the HU promo, but after playing one £5.25 game, it was clear how grossly inadequate my hu game is!! So I gave up immediately
A Ducky Disaster Had some free time this avo so played two £5.75 BHs Dumped out of both what I'd consider a particurlarly spectacular fashion!!
Hey everyone, I've been bumbling about alot recently...mainly losing flips, pots and bluffing badly! Work is busy, Oxford is swarming with tourists, the classrooms are hot and I keep getting coughs, colds and fevers. In desperate need of a holiday...can I make it till September!?
Anyway...I came here to praise not moan! ~
I was absolutely chuffed, delighted and shocked to luckbox my way onto The Hoops team last week, it was a total joy to receive £67 yesterday! Really think this promo will benefit so many, which is fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed the UKPC thread over the weekend, really fun and exciting, so wanted to say thanks to everyone involved with keeping it going Last night on a whim I regged for a £5.50 head hunter, to my surprise I really enjoyed it...probably in part to coming 2nd in it! But as a bounty hunter regular, it was nice to get an extra chunk for each head. Lastly, I was also lucky enough to win in the forum UKPC sky qualifiers competition and was entered into tonights £11 turbo main. Unfortunately I work late tuesdays, so would be unable to play tonight. I popped onto live chat and within three minutes and no fuss at all I was switched over to the £11 2pm BH which I'm currently playing.
Small mercy ~ big payout Finished 3rd in the £11 £300BH winning £37.80 + £22.74 in HPs. Happy days! Don't think I've ever taken three heads in one hand before... Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance mutley01 Small blind 30.00 30.00 1240.00 gamblegirl Big blind 60.00 90.00 3230.00 Your hole cards A K ra1d All-in 477.50 567.50 0.00 SPRING29 Fold mrsduck All-in 3650.00 4217.50 0.00 minx070764 Fold mutley01 All-in 1240.00 5457.50 0.00 gamblegirl All-in 3230.00 8687.50 0.00 mrsduck Unmatched bet 360.00 8327.50 360.00 mutley01 Show 9 9 gamblegirl Show Q Q ra1d Show 10 10 mrsduck Show A K Flop 3 2 A Turn J River K mrsduck Win Two Pairs, Aces and Kings 8327.50 8687.50 Weeee! Posted by mrsduck
Quack Quack...
that's well done from Dev
ps; I think taking 2 heads is more than enough for anyone...
taking 3 heads all at once is just being plain greedy, if you ask me. lol
Probably give.
Unfortunately went on a MC table and lost £100, stupid duck.
BR £94.22 155PP
Ducky dishing out a lovely bad beat!
Straight flush of the day!
(had to reg at the doctors and go for the first time in years too)
so feeling a bit ducky down.
Hunted out the old 60p DYM challenge...would love to be the first person to complete both spin up challenges so giving that a go and hoping it will cheer me up a bit
GL everyone ~ run good xx
Busy Ducky no time for poker at the moment really....sniff!
Just won a freeroll
GL and run well everyone, have a nice weekend!
I'll try and play some HU's when I get the chance
Players Remaining: 0 / 217
School's busy, sweaty classrooms, 2 Weddings in August, a Birthday and a Christening...could really do with a break, maybe September!
Been playing freerolls and low stakes. Am also trying the DYM spin-up challenge, my best run so far was to level 6
Was going to try the HU promo, but after playing one £5.25 game, it was clear how grossly inadequate my hu game is!! So I gave up immediately
A Ducky Disaster
Had some free time this avo so played two £5.75 BHs
Dumped out of both what I'd consider a particurlarly spectacular fashion!!
1st ~
I've been bumbling about alot recently...mainly losing flips, pots and bluffing badly!
Work is busy, Oxford is swarming with tourists, the classrooms are hot and I keep getting coughs, colds and fevers.
In desperate need of a holiday...can I make it till September!?
Anyway...I came here to praise not moan! ~
I was absolutely chuffed, delighted and shocked to luckbox my way onto The Hoops team last week, it was a total joy to receive £67 yesterday! Really think this promo will benefit so many, which is fantastic.
I thoroughly enjoyed the UKPC thread over the weekend, really fun and exciting, so wanted to say thanks to everyone involved with keeping it going
Last night on a whim I regged for a £5.50 head hunter, to my surprise I really enjoyed it...probably in part to coming 2nd in it! But as a bounty hunter regular, it was nice to get an extra chunk for each head.
Lastly, I was also lucky enough to win in the forum UKPC sky qualifiers competition and was entered into tonights £11 turbo main. Unfortunately I work late tuesdays, so would be unable to play tonight. I popped onto live chat and within three minutes and no fuss at all I was switched over to the £11 2pm BH which I'm currently playing.
Small mercies, happy customer
Finished 3rd in the £11 £300BH winning £37.80 + £22.74 in HPs. Happy days!
Don't think I've ever taken three heads in one hand before...