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Duck the Bounty Hunter



  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    Played another hour of cash + £51.37 :)
    Something was telling me I was starting to push my luck so I've quit for now!

    Currently in an £11 BH, but I'm towards the end of the pack so not holding out much hope! I'll update BR when I'm finished.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    Bubbled! :(

    BR £239.20
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2014

    Quack  Quack  :)
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    A rollercoaster 24hrs!

    A bit tipsy, I fired up a cash table about 10.30pm last night! Lost some pounds, topped up, lost some more. A short while later, rivered two pairs and was convinced oppo had a big overpair so shoved on him, he had air and only rivered a backdoor flush! So well done to him and - £96.30 to me ouch!

    Played a little more cash this morning for + £28.08 and a £5.75 Speed BH. Got myself a straight flush and a couple of HPs but didn't cash in the end - £1.53

    This avo I played two £22 BHs. Came 2nd and 1st!! :D So all totted up a big + £246.25
    Really pleased with my play this week in every respect, it's nice to be winning again...obviously it's nothing to do with all the AAs I've been dealt! ;)

    Don't know if I've ever won a tourney with AA before ~ :)
    ALSO - Extremely smug to have knocked out chicknMelt hehee
    BR £415.70

    SwineFlu Small blind   500.00 500.00 13960.00
    mrsduck Big blind   1000.00 1500.00 44540.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    SwineFlu Call   500.00 2000.00 13460.00
    mrsduck All-in   44540.00 46540.00 0.00
    SwineFlu All-in   13460.00 60000.00 0.00
    mrsduck Unmatched bet   31080.00 28920.00 31080.00
    SwineFlu Show
    • 8
    • Q
    mrsduck Show
    • A
    • A
    • 5
    • 3
    • 6
    • 3
    • 4
    mrsduck Win Two Pairs, Aces and 3s 28920.00   60000.00
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2014



    QUACK  QUACK  :)
  • hagisboyhagisboy Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2014
    Awesome results
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Ducky's September Spin-up ~ BR £415.70:
    Awesome results
    Posted by hagisboy
    Thanks hagis!
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Ducky's September Spin-up ~ BR £415.70:
    Posted by devonfish5
    Thanks for your unending support Dev! x
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    Dropped another - £95.00 on cash last night tskkkkk. Note to self don't play tipsy and in I'm untouchable mode!!
    Also just played 2 Speed BHs and lost both - £11.50

    Week 2

    Ok, the second week is over!
    Had just 1 attempt at the DYM spin-up. Bad duck! Lost at level 6 so
    - £0.80
    Went off challenge for most of the week playing lots of cash and a few MTTs, played really really well, very pleased with my performances, especially my 1st place in the £22 BH! and gained an impressive + £266.11 to my BR.
    Having a mini break with MrDuck from today, two nights away and back to work tuesday night. So I'll be back to the poker on weds.

    Spin-up this week? Really want to crack Level 7! :)

    I've just withdrawn + £200 to buy a winter coat and to treat myself and MrDuck
    on our mini-break, yeeeeey :)
    BR going into Week 3
    £109.20 626PP let's do it!
    ~ Sep Profit + £299.20

    Please Sky can I be put on a winning premier league team this week?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited September 2014

    Keep it going Mrs Duck, good to see you getting the results you deserve.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2014
    Hope you like this one Mrs D...
    might try painting it sometime,
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    Squeezed in a couple of tourneys yesterday before work last night. Lost a £22 BH and £11 BH :(
    So - £33.00

    Just finished Spin-Up Go No. 7
    Lost level 2 KJ vs K9 aipf grrrrrrrr!
    - £0.75!

    BR £75.45
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Ducky's September Spin-up ~ BR £415.70:
    Keep it going Mrs Duck, good to see you getting the results you deserve.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thank you Tikay :)
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Ducky's September Spin-up ~ BR £109.20:
    Hope you like this one Mrs D... might try painting it sometime, enjoy
    Posted by devonfish5
    Got to like any kind of peaceful duck <3
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    Sky Poker Player Shouts Fix in Busto After Withdrawing Scandal
    "It ALWAYS happens to me, 85% of the time, when I'm a 99% favourite!!" she was heard muttering after storming out!

    Just kidding! But yeh, I've busted myself...doh!
    So many "players" can be found on the forum claiming Sky punished them/turned on the runner runner 2 outer button/pi**ed all over them when they had finally made that elusive holy grail withdrawl!
    I've been pondering about why I reckon that's just happened to me, and happened to me before (an almost immediate bust after a smug withdrawl) These are my thoughts...

    I've just won an MTT/a load on cash, I'm untouchable, WEEEEE...cue positive tilt, then shortly after realising I'm not a God, which turns to negative tilt...NOOOO why aren't I winning anymooore?!?
    Bankroll psychology/idiocy...My balance looked nice when I had £400 now it says £200 :(:( let's try and get it back up ASAP!! Forgetting I still actually have £400, just that half of it is now nice and safe in my bank account!
    Not caring/focusing...WOW this month I've already spun up quite alot, everyone seems really impressed, me too, I'm pretty fly right now, so what does it matter if I drop a few bob?!?

    I'm definitely guilty of all of these thoughts and behaviours and probably more that I haven't considered yet!
    So here's where I lost it if you're interested ~ :)

    a £22.00 BH where I bubbled but won £9.38 HPs so - £12.62
    a - £5.75 BH, - £3.30 TIMED TOURNEY, - £11.00 BH

    Spin-Up Go No. 8 Lost level 1!! - £0.60
    I then accidently regged a £0.30 DYM and GaryLaud knocked me out!! wd Gary! ;) he killed me with my fav hand 22 aswell, good old ducks! - £0.30

    I then splaffed the rest ~ - £40ish off playing cash...oh well.

    So here I am busto but with a Sep profit of + £190 :)
    I'm going to re-deposit £40 and start again fresh...let's gooooo!

    Happy weekend everyone, flop well! :D
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    Deposited £40.00 and fancied one last biggie... £22.00 BH, won one bounty started getting a bit short shoved Ad10d lost to Kc8c - £14.50

    Spin-Up Go No. 9 in progress Level 1 complete! :)
    BR £25.50
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2014
    Sept profit of +£190 & busto  :)  lol

    i've a Sept profit of £36  & not gone busto  :)  lol

    i'd do a swap with you Mrs D  ha ha.

    you play a very aggressive strategy which pays very well when you win, which is great.
    i play very conservatively in comparison, & am no shaker or mover.
    i would love to play as you do  ha ha, but it would just be to 'swingy' for me  :(
    as long as you win more than you lose & are having fun, which I know you do, then there's no need to change & do anything different.
    Long may it continue my friend.
    run golden,

  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Ducky's September Spin-up ~ BR £25.50:
    Sept profit of +£190 & busto  :)  lol i've a Sept profit of £36  & not gone busto  :)  lol i'd do a swap with you Mrs D  ha ha. you play a very aggressive strategy which pays very well when you win, which is great. i play very conservatively in comparison, & am no shaker or mover. i would love to play as you do  ha ha, but it would just be to 'swingy' for me  :( as long as you win more than you lose & are having fun, which I know you do, then there's no need to change & do anything different. Long may it continue my friend. run golden, dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Lol Dev,
    I don't know if my strategy is aggressive, it's more that I'm more comfortable playing an £11 or £22 BH or 50NL cash, rather than other stakes, no matter what my BR is, but I'm not comfortable playing a huge BR because I would be likely to spew it away.
    Before I started this diary I was a player who just deposited, played, withdrew and repeat but I wanted to change that and ideally I'd like to maintain a "small" bankroll between £400-£800 and play whatever I like :) ~ infact I think this will be my next challenge from October, spinning up and maintaining that, applying more BR management with it, what do you think? I will be coming to you for advice!!

  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    Spin-Up Go No. 9 completed! Lost level 2 :(
    Shoved A5 into QQ
    - £0.75

    BR £24.75
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2014
    i think you are doing fine as you are Mrs D, you don't need any advice from me  :)

    ok, i'll give you this, ... play out Sept, see how that flies with you.
    October... with whatever is in your b/r try & spin that up to £800  as a figure you mention.. or whatever you like,
    (mind you, £1000 would look very nice  too -:)
    then that is your bankroll which is ideal for you.
    play your desired games,(even higher if you like), anything you win over your bankroll ...withdraw (in sums of £50, £100 whatever you want/win.
    give yourself the £300 to play with, so you are happy (ok, not happy, but the set amount you are prepared to gamble down to) you can drop to £500... or £400 if you prefer.
    at this point we drop down our buy-in levels from £11 to £5.50, & our cash games from nl50 to nl30.
    this will guard against you going 'busto' which we want to avoid, obviously....AT ALL COST.
    you know poker runs in up's & downs, so this will be a great 'safety net' for you...if needed, of course.
    run golden,

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