A bad poker day followed by a nice little boost ~ £3.30 30min TT Won my favourite amount too...£22! mrsduck 15050 1 £22.58 Smilodon 14600 2 £21.90 gooner999 11075 3 £16.61 thebolx 10075 4 £15.11 MikeyTait 9287.50 5 £13.93 KWESI 9225 6 £13.83 Really looking forward to this weekend, should be lots of fun with friends and family, enjoy everyone! Posted by mrsduck
Had a really lovely weekend ~ out with friends on Friday and out with family yesterday...I'm extremely reluctant to let go of my birthday fortnight rofl, one more week...please?!?
Been bossing life today. Marked over 200 speaking papers, taught a few hours and won about 40 squids at the pokerz. Feeling just about ready to crash now but need to try and mark for a couple more hours and try to fit in a bit of planning for my exam class tomorrow lunch. I've taken on a few extra exam classes at work and now I'm getting a bit too into them, and want them to go really well. Some of the students aren't really good enough for the level, but I really want to pull them up so they have a fighting chance of passing, so I'm trying to teach them all my little tricks to get those extra marks. My technique is to break them and then build them up much more confident and clued up but I've only got til March so I've got some work to do!!!
I'm crazy taking on these extra hours whilst I've also got to try and do 20+ marking too but I'm enjoying it right now, so let's see
In Response to Re: Duck the Bounty Hunter : English as a foreign language Stu, so my students are all ages and from all over the world, it's fun! WD on the DYM spin up, I did mention that it would be too easy if they removed a couple of levels didn't I?!? Hehehe Posted by mrsduck
Haha it was certainly not easy, but i didnt see the point risking 82.50 and 110 on a 55 quid seat. I hadnt tried it in ages so had a few goes last week.
Actually the time i did it i think it took me 4 goes at the 60p level lol.
Been really enjoying my poker this week! Not had much time to play so been squeezing in the odd tourney and quite a bit of cash when I've had the chance. Was trying to get double points to get the entry into the March whatsits but don't think I'm going to be able to put in as much volume as I need, despite playing much more cash than normal.
Lost a BI yesterday with set under set and just smiled and today lost a £22 and £11 BH, in quite quick succession. Don't think I've ever felt so relaxed about losing, it's really great, something's definitely starting to shift in my attitude, which is good!
Had a great old time in the £11 BH this afternoon having a laugh with Nuggy962 and Tings89 (that is until I got busted!) really enjoyed myself, thanks for entertaining me you two, in what's been a long hard working week!
Anyway, it's the weekend tomorrow, let's have a nice long nap!
Poker and posts both few and far between these days...will life ever slow down so I can catch up?
Spending the majority of my time switching between working and hibernating at the moment! Dreamt about work three nights in a row now, hoping I can switch off tonight!!
Watched the latest EPT episode in bed earlier whilst having a little cat nap, seriously crushing on Mayu Roca! GL to him on the ft!
Anyway just checking in, have a nice week everyone
Won my favourite amount too...£22!
It's the 22/02 I'm playing the 2pm BH and ~ I win it
But damnit I won a bit too much...
**cripes just realised I only went and posted at 5.22 too!!