In Response to Re: Duck the Bounty Hunter : You know that's not true! You were first in line, then jumped ship when the guy to my left stood up! :P Ohnoooo I timed out! (you said) Posted by mrsduck
Cash is still going shocking well! (I'm definitely due a fall on my face right about now) I've won 9 from 12 days that I've played this month so happy days Just checking in to say have a great weekend everyone Flop well! x Posted by mrsduck
In Response to Re: Duck the Bounty Hunter : I'm watching you, Ducky. Think we need a celebrity cash challenge! ...but not this weekend - I'm busy Posted by Slipwater
Who would be the celebrities??
My only challenge is not to go bust before the end of the month!!
A football fan? Yuk! Sigh - you've lost a couple of points there Ducky. Posted by Slipwater
Long time fan and silent lurker Mrs D! .. And you being an Arsenal fan has only enhanced my opinion of your overall great bloggage!(if thats a word?)And to defend a fellow Arsenal fan for our sins. We always struggle against Man Utd and the draw was a shock the way we were playing 1st half,good result with a game in hand.Good luck at the tables.
In Response to Re: Duck the Bounty Hunter : Long time fan and silent lurker Mrs D! .. And you being an Arsenal fan has only enhanced my opinion of your overall great bloggage!(if thats a word?)And to defend a fellow Arsenal fan for our sins. We always struggle against Man Utd and the draw was a shock the way we were playing 1st half,good result with a game in hand.Good luck at the tables. Cheers Dave. Posted by Any2Suited
WSDD? First time I've posted a hh and asked for advice, so be gentle please! I tend to go by feeling when I play so don't know/can't work out all the numbers etetc. This is the first time in a while I felt really unsure if I'd made the right decision and keep thinking about it now. Is it a close one? It feels/felt close! Three handed at a 50nl MC table, X is a fairly frequent reg who I've got tagged as a good player. He is known to re-raise pre and on any street without fear, quite regularly, and I've caught him doing it as a bluff twice. So... ~ What should Ducky do?
As a good, creative reg I'd imagine the squeeze pre would be a fairly wide range.
They probably have to bet most flops then, although depends on how wide they think you call 3-bets. If they've missed completely then it may not be worth them bombing when it's quite likely to hit hands you'd call 3bets with?
So when you call flop, oppo can rule out most suited connectors and mid-small PPs (unless you've been floating lots). Has to put you on (mostly) a range of broadway combos, many of which are likely to call the turn c/r, so if he's bluffing then it's only to push you off of any Tx straight draws of Jx one pair hands, maybe AK.
Therefore I can't see many hands that we beat here. And I sigh fold. Find a cat to kick if oppo flicks over some piece of cheese or QT.
But I'm no poker player. Just passing time on my lunch break. Look forward to reading the views of people that are, you know, quite good at poker
GL to you! Hope to see you in a lunchtime BH soon?
But true
Sigh - you've lost a couple of points there Ducky.
First time I've posted a hh and asked for advice, so be gentle please!
Three handed at a 50nl MC table, X is a fairly frequent reg who I've got tagged as a good player. He is known to re-raise pre and on any street without fear, quite regularly, and I've caught him doing it as a bluff twice.
~ What should Ducky do?
As a good, creative reg I'd imagine the squeeze pre would be a fairly wide range.
They probably have to bet most flops then, although depends on how wide they think you call 3-bets. If they've missed completely then it may not be worth them bombing when it's quite likely to hit hands you'd call 3bets with?
So when you call flop, oppo can rule out most suited connectors and mid-small PPs (unless you've been floating lots). Has to put you on (mostly) a range of broadway combos, many of which are likely to call the turn c/r, so if he's bluffing then it's only to push you off of any Tx straight draws of Jx one pair hands, maybe AK.
Therefore I can't see many hands that we beat here. And I sigh fold. Find a cat to kick if oppo flicks over some piece of cheese or QT.
But I'm no poker player. Just passing time on my lunch break. Look forward to reading the views of people that are, you know, quite good at poker