I dont post much on the forum, but i think this is an interesting topic.
Before we start, forgive me if my wording is right, when trying to put my word across but hopefully ul get the jist of things lol.
Also il say this isnt an attack as such just a geniuine question about the headed subject.
Ok here goes, poker in the main is a game of money, you win you lose. you have promos left right & center which i think is fine, you pay your moneys you take your chance. you win or you lose.
But lets take the national later today, theres a part in the sky bet grand national section where all you gotta do is type your name, your favour colour & your lucky number, now i know the national is very much a race of every1 putting a quid in & hoping they get the win but is the option ive spoke about not going against all that responsible gambling is about?
I maybe talking out my as s i just thought id ask the question lol.
P.S any1 got a tip lol
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