YES we do
For me the best thing that has come out of the skill&go cheating scandal is that it was very public on the forum. I heard of another last Thursday but the thread was deleted before i saw it. I'm sure the suits would rather everything was hidden under the carpet but for me the biggest plus of the s&g scandal is that we all learnt about it.
And why?
Because i often get the online poker is rigged story dished out to me by live players. And my normal response has to be "well yes there is some cheating and then we report it" and when asked what happens next all we can say is that we hope they get banned but most of the time nothing at all. On this occasion we have a very public lifetime ban which provides great material to use to back up the "safe to use" story line.
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Morning Gelders,
I was on the Community throughout Thursday evening, & as far as I am aware, only one Post (Post, not thread) was deleted.
One of those who had qualified for the Skill & Go Final was accused of cheating, shortly before the Final started. Unfortunately, as I Posted at the time.....
".....he had identified a COMPLETELY different player. The player he named had ONE letter different in his Username....."
So it was mistaken identity, pure & simple.
I know there is a rich divergence of views on Threads being deleted, but I'm pretty sure that under those circumstances, everyone would agree it was correct to delete the Post. It also demonstrated the real perils of "name & shame", as a totally innocent player had his name sullied.
Allowing the discussion on the Forum only enhances the reputation of SKY. We will probably never know whether SKY would have spotted this without the sharp eyes of DTM but it is great that someone is on to it.
I have felt more than once that two players on a table are working together. In a tournament, I just wait for the table to break. In cash, I just move table. In SnG, I just never play when those two are together again. I play quite a few PL08 DYMs and it is usually against the same players from a pool of about 20 players. Strangely they seem totally fair.
I don't expect SKY to say exactly what measures they take but it would be good to get some message explaining what they do to protect against collusion and also how many players have been banned from the site & for what offences.