Hey folks! Hope you're all well?
It's been an entire 4 weeks since I've been with you on 861, so what's the goss? Anything new and exciting to report? Any big wins lately? How about any new players joining us? I'm pleased to say I get to meet another member of the Sky Poker family later, your poker expert tonight, Mr Stuart Rutter! That's if he's not avoiding me again... It seems as though every show we get booked on together, something happens and it gets rearranged. I'm not that bad am I?!

hopefully all going well, us 2 will be on your screens 7pm - midnight.
I'm currently awaiting the official show line up, but assuming the usual, it'll be something like, Thursday's SSBH final table mixed in with some Master Cash action, all building up to the BIG Super Roller! I'll let you know if I'm wrong.
Mohammed Ali
Rodger Wylde
John McEnroe
Olivia Newton John
Marc Bolan
Benny Hill
Tommy Cooper
Tom Baker
Poker Heroes?
No-one particularly (maybe I am too old for heroes), just players that look to improve themselves are the ones that I respect. One or two that spring to mind on SKY are MacMonster, BBMike, TommyD, Donttelmum, LJamesL. Beyond SKY, players like Simon Deadman, Alex Goulder and of course Stu Rutter & Ryan Spittles.
My poker hero would have to be Doyle Brunson. His career has stretched from a time when poker was a somewhat seedy, and sometimes risky, backstreet game to the multi-million dollar big business that it is today and been successful in both eras.
Have a great show.
Wish me luck tonight. I need it vs a lot of good players.
My Poker hero now is Doyle Brunson!
So guess again?