What are peoples opinions in Sharkscope?
Being a loosing rec player - I often get berated on the tables when running good or you suck out on someone - they instantly turn to your statistics on the wonderful world of sharkscope.
Is there a way to simply opt out without having to pay to set up a Sharky account? Sometimes I can not help but bite and tell them to look at my stars account - but what is the point! I know is just childish and a manhood measuring tool. 888 Have a total ban on these websites and stars make everyone as opted out unless you choose otherwise.
It is great Sky do not let anyone use the sharky statistic programs in the actual games - will we go one step further and prevent them from accumulating public figures?
On another note - how do these programs work? If they can gather all that info, what is to stop some bright spark capturing all the showdown hands and gathering yet more info on players?
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Do you know how fella?
If someone uses your stats against you then just report it to CC. Or grow thicker skin. Or turn chat off.
This is the 2nd time you have bought up this subject and was advised to contact CC in future.
Also as a "losing rec player" why would you direct people to your stars account if you are auto opted out?
You'd probably get berrated as much for blocking lol - rise above it, play your game whilst attemting to improve and ignore them