And so, my bankroll challenge was over. I'd set myself the target of getting back above the £5 I'd won in a FR in early march by playing/cashing in 30p DYM's and MTT's. This clearly hasn't worked as I'm now down to 20p and insufficient balance to play anymore.
Im now thinking of making that first deposit!
What I would like to ask now is the following Question:
Do I
1) Continue with previous strategy playing DYM's and MTT's
2) Play the cash tables, starting at the basic 2p/4p blind levels
3) Try something completely different.
Your views please?
If you're going to try and make a profit then play anything but the 30p DYMs because the rake is just about unbeatable. In the highly unlikely scenario that you're miles better than enybody else at that level and could make a consistant ROI of 10% (almost impossible given the rake), you'd make a mere 3 pence per game.
I don't play cash, but I'd imagine 2p/4p cash games are more beatable than 30p DYMs. However you'll need to put more money on the line and are therefore much more likely to go broke quickly.
You won't be able to play freerolls forever because your poker points will run out.
Good luck whatever you decide. Don't get too hung-up on trying to make a profit. If you enjoy the games does it really matter if you have to put a few quid in every now and then? Most other hobbies would be far more expensive.
When the rake is less onerous they are definitely beatable and gives you a chance of running up a decent roll.
NL4 could also work, but sounds like you've not played cash before - therefore it may require a slightly bigger amount of deposits to allow for the likely short-term losses as you learn the different dynamics of the game... although obviously you may well run golden to start with and earn a little cushion against the inevitable mistakes we all make as we learn a new discipline!
And obviously continue with all the freerolls as you are bound to keep binking the occasional few pence/pounds to help things along.
GL whichever route you pick.
Deposit what you can afford and keep building the points for the freerolls its pointless going to a higher level until you are at least comfortable/winnig at the 30p level.