Mr Neil Channing will be amongst tonight's Studio Guests.
There will be a 1 hour "Masters Golf Betting Preview Hour" between 8pm & 9pm, in which Neil & others will feature, but.......
Neil will then stay on for the rest of the Show doing Poker Analysis.
The feeback from Neil's poker analysis last week was overwhelmingly positive, so you now have a few more hours to listen to the man discussing poker, & generally talking. And talking. And talking.....
These opportunities are priceless, so let's not waste it - Post your Questions, & such as time permits, we'll try & get Neil to answer as many as possible.
The Presenter tonight will be Boycey, & I'll mainly be his Anthea Redfern.
From 7pm - 8pm, it'll be Final Table highlights from Sunday's Super Roller. The Finalists include Community regulars chrisdboy, divsdreams, & Tennis Bloke F_Ivanovic, vying for the first prize which was just shy of 6 large.
9pm - 10pm, coverage of the early to mid stages of the Tuesday Turbo Open. Entry costs £11, & you might just get your play analysed by Channing. Get in.
10pm - 11pm will be Master Cash hour. Take a seat, & maybe Channing will get you sorted. His analysis of MasterCash last week was outstandingly good, IMO.
Hi all. Always marvelous to have Mr Channing on the show.
The Masters is a very interesting golfing betting event because it is held in the same venue each year, unlike the other majors and is invitation only so you can easily rule out the majority of the field with a few short strokes, get rid of amateurs, rookies, over 45's, players out of form and those that have never done well on the course and you will have a list of only a few names to pick from. Based on this, I'm having a few quid each way on Charl Schwartzel. Plays well on the course and has had a couple good recent finishes.
One for the stats fans, Since Tiger started playing the Majors he has missed 4 of them. All 4 have been won by Irishmen. I still can't back Rory to win though.
How about switching things around one week so we get to see the 10-11pm section of the Turbo Tuesday main? That way we'd get to see coverage of the bubble which we never seem to see on the show these days and would likely see some interesting play and hands, lending itself to some very informative analysis?
Looking forward to a great show tonight!!! the masters preview should be an interesting one now that mr woods is no longer in the frame!!! was tempted to go for Garcia to win his first major but still have real doubts about his ability to close out a tournament!!! still not to sure who my money is on at this stage so the preview show will hopefully give me some insight!!
nice to see Anthea has had a shave for tonight's show!!!
The Presenter tonight will be Boycey, & I'll mainly be his Anthea Redfern.
From 7pm - 8pm, it'll be Final Table highlights from Sunday's Super Roller. The Finalists include Community regulars chrisdboy, divsdreams, & Tennis Bloke F_Ivanovic, vying for the first prize which was just shy of 6 large.
8pm - 9pm, it's the Masters Golf Betting Preview.
As well as Lord Channing & Boycey, Ben Coley ( & Sam Harrop ( will be dispensing pearls of golf whatsit.
This hour, I'll mostly be a wall flower.
9pm - 10pm, coverage of the early to mid stages of the Tuesday Turbo Open. Entry costs £11, & you might just get your play analysed by Channing. Get in.
I'll mainly be trying to get a word in edgeways.
10pm - 11pm will be Master Cash hour. Take a seat, & maybe Channing will get you sorted. His analysis of MasterCash last week was outstandingly good, IMO.
I aim to get at least one sentence in.
11pm - Midnight, final stages of the Tuesday Turbo Open.
Channing analysis, as last week.
I'll mainly be asleep.
So there you go, now lets see some good questions for Mr Channing.
Incidentally, as to the Betting Preview, Channing is a bit handy with this betting malarky, so well worth a listen.
He not only gave the Cheltenham Gold Cup winner @ 40/1, but last weekend, he tipped the Grand National winner @ 25/1.
7pm - Midnight, Ch 861. Great analysis, Golf & Poker, & as a special bonus, no Orford.
TK - thanks for sorting the late reg thing.
Have a great show, guys.
last longer please