What happened to the usual daily draw for yesterday? Who won. I'm a bit narked as had it been made usual time I'm sure it would have been my name drawn! I think I should get one as compensation.
What happened to the usual daily draw for yesterday? Who won. I'm a bit narked as had it been made usual time I'm sure it would have been my name drawn! I think I should get one as compensation. Seriously though, who won? Posted by CraigSG1
BELLISKID1 (April 7th) won the prize draw yesterday. The prize draw winners are announced from their previous days play, which means there will be an April 8th winner today.
In Response to iPad daily draw : Hello, BELLISKID1 (April 7th) won the prize draw yesterday. The prize draw winners are announced from their previous days play, which means there will be an April 8th winner today. You can see all the winners here: https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby/poker-promotions/ipad-giveaway Another winner will be announced around noon. Thanks, Justin Posted by Sky_Justin
Ok. Just they are usually announced on twitter. Must be me today then.