One thing you can't do at same time as playing on sky poker, is bell-ringing, which requires two hands to hold the rope with, unless it's handbells, then......
Handling the show well, despite Ryan's big-headedness.
The 1 thing i cant do is multi table while niel channing is on your show, as he does like to go on and on and on, have a great show guys and well done spittles on your jackpot win (just in case richard forgot)
Guys - Another point, no we don't wear gloves when ringing. No real need for it. However, I have heard of the fact that some-people consider gloves, but usually tape (like the sort worn by wrestlers) to guard against blisters, but usually done by expert ringers when they are ringing what is known as a "peal" which takes 3 to 4 hours to complete and requires intense concentration.
completly right i should have jammed with the a7 but i had just come back from 5000 chips and felt the other two short stakes would go and let me ladder. But i should not have shown weakness there not at this stage of the tournament. the aj i missed letting the dogs in from the garden chasing the fox out nice show tina
Great show Rich and Ryan! Came 37nd in mini bounty, cant wait to try the main event .. a little frustrated as I was in the zone but that's the nature of this great game. Are there any sky poker festivals in the summer that I could come to and if so are there any tournies that the average player could play? or are they like £200nplus buy ins? what about a micro sky poker tournie? say for 50 quid buy in so us mere mortals could have our 15 mins of fame? great show and ill be back again. its frustrating trying to get to the next level..any advice Ryan?
What do I win??
no jackpot possibles
Good show, probably not been mentioned so far
Great show Rich and Ryan! Came 37nd in mini bounty, cant wait to try the main event .. a little frustrated as I was in the zone but that's the nature of this great game. Are there any sky poker festivals in the summer that I could come to and if so are there any tournies that the average player could play? or are they like £200nplus buy ins? what about a micro sky poker tournie? say for 50 quid buy in so us mere mortals could have our 15 mins of fame? great show and ill be back again. its frustrating trying to get to the next level..any advice Ryan?