Afternoon All!!I'm sure most people are engrossed in the Liverpool V Man City game right now, but hopefully later on you'll be joining us live at 7pm for a few hours of poker action and chat with myself and analyst Redmond Lee. Can't believe it'll be my 5th show already on Sky!
We will have lots of analysis for you, so remember to get your hand ids in to us so we can chat about them! We will be discussing tonight's £20k SuperRoller predominantly, which kicks off at 8pm.
I will be running a competition as well giving 3 lucky players the chance of a FREE SEAT in Tuesday's Turbo Open.
The best 3 answers to my question tonight will get the chance to play on Tuesday.
The question is about your first ever game of poker:
Tell us about the first game of poker you ever had and why it got you hooked?
See you all later and good luck at the felt if you're playing 
However, I am treating your question as a matter of LIVE poker. I first played live in a pub league in a pub (where else?) in Shrewsbury. There were about 25 players & I finished third. Although I was pretty rubbish, I couldn't believe how bad most of the players. I qualified for the casino final then realised that casinos and cash games were for me.
I have tried to improve my game every week since. I always watch SKY Poker shows (not always live), I read magazines, forums & training sites. Poker is a massive part of my life now. My son plays and I am teaching my daughter's fiance to play - taking him to the casino for the first time next weekend.
Poker is a gift that just keeps giving.
the question of my first time playing poker well my brother had a few of his freinds around for a poker night he managed to persuade me to play thinking it would be easy money for him as i had never played before. so i sat down and didnt realy understand what i was doing or what was going on! i sat and learned as the game went on. i soon picked up the rules and how to play and by the end of the night i was the winner and turned my £10 investment into £100 and i have been hooked ever since!
I used to play a lot of squash and got very good at it winning tournaments in and around my area and was number 1 in my towns Kent league team. But then I got Fibromyalgia and couldn't play anymore, so I thought to myself what could I do to compete against other people
in a tournament situation which I could partake. I was watching T.V. late one night and poker
came on the T.V. after watching the highlighted tournament for an hour I thought to myself that is it I am going to play poker. So I signed up to Sky poker because they had the best free-rolls, rewards and played for real money not them half a pound dollar things. I soon got into it and really loved it. playing and winning a MTT gave me the buzz I needed. Grinding on the cash tables and playing Sit and Go's was like putting in the training for the MTT's. I haven't got to the level I would love to be at but poker is a never ending game so plenty of time.
Tonights Super Roller.
Should I be playing this any different? I don't want to call for my open ended straight draw out of position on the flop and i'd rather try and use fold equity to win the hand. I also think i look really strong raising 3 way.
When he calls the raise i now know he has an overpair. Is it therefore an error trying to make him fold on the turn knowing this when I dont know if he is capable of folding?
Basically would passive play be better so early in a deep structured slow tournament?
Oh.... sidenote. Somehow i've rolled up my 300 odd chips to 7.7k. Good luck me!
Edit - Now on 13.7k. I feel like im freerolling. If I cash it'd be one of my best achievements.
My first poker dates back 3 decades to when I was at college. As typical students we went down the pub most nights, and when we got back to the halls we played games for small stakes. Anyhthing from darts to backgammon to yahtzee, with any number of card games thrown in. It didn't take us long to figure out that poker (Stud in those days) had just the right combination of involving skill and some thought while still being able to be played when you've just come back from the pub!