Please don't move this til Monday as i really need a solution so i can go and buy a new lappy on Tuesday which is conpatable with SKY POKER. THANK YOU
I mainly play cash most days tho for the last 10 days i can only play 2 tables even then i'm experiencing lagging & frozen tables every day & every hand which is very annoying plus i lose pots when frozen out.
Other people seem to be able to play more than 2 tables with no problem so maybe its time to get a new Lappy tho i used to be able to play 4 tables with no problems not so long ago, anyway
This is where i need some help as i know NOTHING about computer specs.
have seen a lappy - - 6GB RAM / 2.8khz windows 7 not sure of hard drive space wot would i need also would 4-6 tables on sky poker run comfortably with this lappy with no lagging & freezing tables every hand.
Any help from the sky poker community would be very helpful.
I think ram is the most important factor for them though and 6gb ram sounds plenty. Think mines 4gb and runs 6-8 no problem. I have no idea about computers so don't take that as gospel by any stretch.
Big screen is better for squeezing more tables in too obviously.
jdsallstar gives good advice above about trying out the laptop in the shop to play multi tables before you buy it to see if it suits your needs, i had never thought about that before tbh but it does make good sense,