First game almost completed, Team Larson Vie Team TPT,
Matt V Teddy, Matt win, Jonny versus liamboi, Liam win, Flyingdagg v Larson, Flying dagg win, 2-1 so far, need slipwater to win for the draw! Come on slipppp
First game almost completed, Team Larson Vie Team TPT, Matt V Teddy, Matt win, Jonny versus liamboi, Liam win, Flyingdagg v Larson, Flying dagg win, 2-1 so far, need slipwater to win for the draw! Come on slipppp Posted by LARSON7
hey m8 i`ve only played 2 matches fo far
liamboi11 vs craigsg1
liamboi11 vs flashjonny
I won both 2-1
I hopefully play more matches today, any 3`s available today?
steelrod 2-0 matt237
any other 2s playing post here if so
Team Poker Crushers
DoubleAAA 2-1 Matt237
Good game Matt, was very close indeed!
go team loner
Can the team captains please post up when a full team game is finished, then we can start making a league table:)
Matt V Teddy, Matt win, Jonny versus liamboi, Liam win, Flyingdagg v Larson, Flying dagg win, 2-1 so far, need slipwater to win for the draw! Come on slipppp
Results for Binki Fab 4
Largearce 2-1 Flyingdagg
Largreace 2- 0 Larson
Mr Burns4 2 -0 DangerDai
Mrburns4 2 - 0 Tings89
Dangerdai 0 Vs 2 MrBurns4..
Craigcu12 1 vs 2 Stuarty117..
Craigcu12 1 vs 2 Waller02..
Steelrod 2 Vs 0 teddybloat..
Steelrod 2 vs 0 matt237..
Steelrod 0 vs 2 ajmilton..
Just when the games are finished team on team.
So when every player from Team A has Played Team B, then we can get a league table going.
Waller 0 - 2 Larson
Waller 2 - 1 Craigcu
Waller 1 - 2 stuarty117
Waller 1 - 2 flyingdagg
Boxster 2 - 0 Pokertrev
CraigSG 1 - 2 liamboi11
Any 4's want a game today?