I first started posting on the forum in 2012.
I kept reading about how great the SPT's were. I decided to try and sat into the event at Birmingham. It was only a £100 buy in and so the sats were affordable. I got in at the 2nd attempt. I was so excited. I had played plenty of these buy ins before but this was different. This was a great chance to meet some of the people that I'd been chatting with online, Lambert, TheDon, Maxally to name but a few.
I booked my hotel and drove over to Birmingham. I'd recently joined TPT and PokerTrev kindly exchanged phone numbers with me so that I could meet up with him and other TPT members on the Friday night. I got to Broadway and we went off for a meal. On our return we entered the Friday night comp. I got nowhere in it but it didn't matter. I shared a table with Pokey, Frascati and Yiannis who was presenting at the time. When I bust I had a few (a lot) of drinks with Liamboi, FlashJonny, JJJlach and others. Eventually I staggered off to get my taxi around 4.00am.
I woke from my slumber and made my way down to Broadway. I went for breakfast with Yiannis. Then I had a Costa with Tsaar, Flashjonny and others. When we got to the casino the atmosphere was lovely. My table was tough. Ryan Spittles, Andrew1947, Solack, Bromley04 etc. Who cares? it was fun. All lovely people. I now have a friendship with Adam outside of poker.
It was a great day. Samantha25 and Trip5, when not drinking were doing fantastic updates. When it was all over I couldn't wait for the next SPT.
I managed to sat into Nottingham. it was good but not the same. The DTD regs seemed to outweigh the Sky players (higher buy in event) It was great to meet Geldy, a lovely man, even though he did bust me from the tourney.
The next one was Newcastle. Being a bit rubbish at the pokes, I didn't sat in. Luckily direct buy in became available. I regged immediately. Once again, it was wonderful. Played a bit of cash on the Friday after getting knocked out of the side event. Sat next to Tikay and had a good chat. He kindly put up with the over talkative drunk next to him! After cash I got wrecked with Liamboi and Larson. I went for a meal at some stage with Longman and a few others.
In the main event I had a fairly uneventful time. I had the pleasure though of sharing tables with CTBN and Day4eire. I now share pms with Pat from time to time and have made a good friend.
I thought for this years SPT's that it would be great to maybe meet the people who I didn't see last year. Harry, Gazza, Teddy etc
Wonderful experiences. What a shame it would be to lose this part of Sky Poker. I have to disagree with SptRich. I don't think many many Sky players were at the last huge buy in event. I doubt that they will be there this time either. I notice that all the big hitters on another forum are very excited by the announcement. Good luck to them. It's a shame that I won't be there to enjoy it with you. I don't think that i'll be alone in missing out on this one. What do they say about number of buy ins for tourney poker? 100? Hmmm, not sure too many on here have a £100,000 bankroll.
Yes, I know that there are plenty of sats. Trouble is, once you get to the £240 sat, it will take a lot of will power for the lower stake players like myself not to just take the cash.
Just want to add that I love playing on SKY. I think that the forum is excellent. I admire the dedication that Tikay and the Sky team has in making it such a welcoming place. I won't be leaving to play my poker elsewhere. Not through choice anyway.
Also, I'm obviously unaware of the benefits this kind of event has to the business and off course it will have been thought through long and hard.
Just a subjective post from a slightly disillusioned forum member. I just feel that the little guys have been dismissed a little
If the SPT's are not finished with, as has been hinted at, please tell us when you will next host them. I fear though that they are gone forever.
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For a start, I don't drink
Really nice Post mate
Afternoon chaps.
As I noted elsewhere today (on the SKY POKER LIVE board) I'm having a day or two's rest this weekend, but I'll reply in full soonest, probably Monday. (Doing the Show tomorrow, so will be a bit pre-occupied with preparation for that).
At the risk of repeating myself, because, over the months, I've made scores of replies to "what about SPT?" threads, as has "SPT-RICH", but neither he nor I have EVER said that the SPT's have been abandoned or dropped.
Yes, certainly delayed, & with very good reasons, which I'll attempt to explain (in a day or two, I'm a bit otherwise engaged this weekend), in full.
Proposals ARE on the Suits desks, from SPT Rich & myself, as to where/what/when for future SPT's. They have neither been accepted or rejected yet, so I think we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves here. A FULL SPT 2014 Schedule was proposed & agreed, every venue, every date, & it was planned to announce them at the recent UKPC, but then some matters arose which sort of muddied the water, & quite considerably, so everything had to be put on ice whilst decisions were made. At the time, of course, we never realised what a spectacular success the UKPC was going to be, so in a way, that helped muddy the water, too. "Success", bye the bye, does not mean "a lot of runners", these things are measured in many other, more relevant, ways. The UKPC had a VERY positive effect on the business.
For clarity, the SPT's have NOT been abandoned. (Yet?) They might be, they might not be, those decisions sit with others, but I can assure you 100% that a recent proposal was made by me, & it sits upstairs awaiting a decision right now.
Personally, (my own view) I wish I had the remit/authority to fully explain all the things that exercise everyone, SPT's, VLV, etc, but I don't, so I can't.
I can say that a LOT of SPT & VLV stuff has passed across my desk in the last few months. For balance, so has a whole bunch of other stuff - you'd be amazed at how many different matters are bubbling away under the surface all the time, because, it must be said, the Business does not wholly revolve around SPT & VLV, far from it. Both, though, are important. Sky Poker is an Online Poker Site though, & so Live Events, whilst important, are never going to be THE most important thing, just one of many.
Anyway, for now, enjoy your Easter, & good luck those of you playing UKOPS.
The SPT's and community are such a plus for sky.
I split my poker between a few sites and the most enjoyable site is sky.
Hope we get an SPT this year be nice to meet up again and keep liamboi away from the bar : )