hey anna and tikay hope yous have a good show I will still be watching even though still feel kind of sick over that big hand vs straight flush lol.
when my opponent shoved turn my gut was tellin me he had a straight flush but never listend so ended up typing in chat saying you have 109dd ? then called i was close it was 95dd
aw well gl to all playing especially all the hitsquad
Will also be interesting to see what effect this may have on UK poker. Must be a huge filip for the game to have a mainstream celebrity being this successful - possibly getting some column inches in the media for a positive reason rather than the stories that often want to paint poker in a bad light.
hi their well i've went out and it was a bluff that did it my question is should i be doing this or is it better to take the free card then fold on the river? 769215045
Congratulations Vicky Coren - amazing effort! Will also be interesting to see what effect this may have on UK poker. Must be a huge filip for the game to have a mainstream celebrity being this successful - possibly getting some column inches in the media for a positive reason rather than the stories that often want to paint poker in a bad light. Posted by shakinaces
She will definitely get lots of coverage in the national press - they love a good poker story especially involving women and celebs.
when he checked on the turn the first thing that came to my mind was he has AK or middle pair, overpairs were the thing i just didn't think he had at all. if the river card was a 3rd heart or a second J or 9 would they have been the sort of cards i should have used to pull a bluff?
Got in the main with the last all in sat., and was (WAS) going ok, until I made a really good mistake: Raised all in with just top pair, and got called with trips. Sick, but my own fault,
No advice needed this time, TK, I know I did wrong.
Nice to see the the best presenter on for the Easter show:)
Unlucky in drawing the shortstaw with the analyst tho
Have a great show Anna and Mr Tikay
We're having a few issues with the stream provider. We've contacted them to get them on the case, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
Sorry guys.
She flopped QJx with QJ against AA heads up, it went all in on the turn and she managed to fade the outdraw
if the river card was a 3rd heart or a second J or 9 would they have been the sort of cards i should have used to pull a bluff?
What a wonderful day this Easter day has been.
1st... Lewis Hamilton wins in China which hopefully will lead to a Brit winning the F1 championship again.
2nd.. Lee Westwood wins in Malaysia hopefully the rebirth of his winning ways.
3rd..Vicky wins in Sanremo a total underdog for the last 2 days rises from the dead to take it down.
What a brilliant day to be a Brit.
Gl to all on the tables tonight.