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Bad beat Jackpot - seat to 6 max mini live event?

Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
edited April 2014 in Poker Chat
Wouldn't it be great if there was a bad beat jackpot on sky, a seat into the mini live event in August :)
Could be a thread started for bad beat hands so not to clog up the community pages with pointless rants (guilty as charged myself in past)
Then any hand deemed as a genuine ba beat could go into a free role with a prize on offer for winner? 
Could do same for people who suck out on someone too!

Obviously the bad beats have to be genuine, not the usual guff where someone thinks a bad beat is when it goes all in pre,  or an over pair gets done by a two pair or set (that's just poker) we mea
n the true ones that hurt you inside, the, "I out played you, got all your chips in middle and you found a way out you had not even thought excisted" 
To be honest, I just want a way in to the  UKPC  and to shut up the moaners :)
Ps, before anyone says I was a moaner nt so long ago, I was :) but instead of blaming the site I blamed myself and hit the community pages for advise and the books on my gaps!  And as for other sites.... Well grass not always greener 


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