Don't suppose you're showing hand requests tonight?
If so, could you show this one from Mastercash 11. It aint just a brag lol, just wondered if Stu thinks this is likely to be a good play long term? In my head obviously so many draws missed but the jack pairing I think made it more of a call. Thoughts?
I'm a poker player because... I'm super competetive and love winning anything, especially where money is involved.
The most common mistakes I made as a beginner to poker were.... having no idea about hand selection pre-flop and not knowing even basic odds of things happening so having no idea how bad it was to just call down chasing things like gutshots.
hi guys, im a poker because of sky poker,i saw channel 865 and loved the fact that it was very easy to join and pays winnings in £s.I also loved the factits usually in your account within 2 days,i started of on small tables untill i felt confident to step up which i did and can now hold my own on poker tables while still main problem to start with was playing to many tables but now only play 3 tables max
last longer plz ty
I am a poker player because.... I'm too intelligent to play snap but not intelligent enough to play bridge.
Answers to the show questions incoming...
Hand History #769337182 (01:29 21/04/2014)
The most common mistakes I made as a beginner to poker were... to play every Ace and think it was a good move...