I noticed that the table didn't load for me last night when I played a DYM. I just put it down to the fact that I didnt have the tournament section open, and was viewing the "my account" page. Maybe I got this error too! I am gonna play some DYM's in a minute so I'll keep an eye on it. If it still plays up I'll start a chat with C/Informaiton and report it. Will let you know how I get on..
Yeah extremely fustrating for us Sng'ers, Hu matches had finished an the lobby was still saying 1/2 players registered. Plus tables seem to not be loading all that quickly an missing the first few hands. Quite costly in hypers
Sighhh.... here we go again with the same old lobby problems/tables not loading. Happens every couple of months or so.... HU sng's are a no go until this is sorted
Lost a chunk of equity again today with SnG's loading 5-15 hands in. If things went differently I'd have been looking for a refund. A 10% rake on an SnG that doesn't load is laughable.
I like sky, but the software has so many major leaks it is coming to the point where I can't and wont tolerate it anymore.
Sky have to do some sort of players meeting or suggestion thread because we have no idea whether there working or even aware of half of the problems.
Can we please have some kind of update on this, it's getting very irritating having these problems constantly when you play alot of sngs, it will also put off casual players from returning to sky if half their stack dissapears before a game.
not updating and tables not loading.
Ongoing problem for me for the last 6 months, not sure it was ever properly fixed last time it was reported.
Hardly ever play HU sngs here now for this reason.
I like sky, but the software has so many major leaks it is coming to the point where I can't and wont tolerate it anymore.
Sky have to do some sort of players meeting or suggestion thread because we have no idea whether there working or even aware of half of the problems.