It certainly begs the question Jock why is our national day devoted to a Turk a Turk who slayed a dragon ffs not that I have any issues with the Turkish or dragons I just feel our national day our English day should be devoted to an English person man or woman.
It certainly begs the question Jock why is our national day devoted to a Turk a Turk who slayed a dragon ffs not that I have any issues with the Turkish or dragons I just feel our national day our English day should be devoted to an English person man or woman. Happy English day all. Posted by a00rock
Well it's also William Shakespeare's birthday, so it works out quite well I think.
Here's a few to choose from maybe King Athelstan day or Stan for short lol.
Kings of the English/England Athelstan (924-39, First named King of the English) Edmund I, the Magnificent (939-46) Eadred (946-55) Eadwig/Edwy, All-Fair (955-59) Edgar, the Peaceable (959-75, First Crowned King of the English) Edward, the Martyr (975-78) Aethelred II, the Unready (978-1013, deposed) Swein/Sven/Sweyn, Forkbeard (1013-14) Aethelred II, the Unready (restored, 1014-16) Edmund II, Ironside (1016) Cnut/Canute, the Great (1016-35) Harthacanute (1035-37, deposed) Harold, Harefoot (1037-40) Harthacanute (restored, 1040-42) Edward I, the Confessor (1042-66) Harold II (1066) Edgar, The Atheling (1066, uncrowned)
Here's a few to choose from maybe King Athelstan day or Stan for short lol. Kings of the English/England Athelstan (924-39, First named King of the English) Edmund I, the Magnificent (939-46) Eadred (946-55) Eadwig/Edwy, All-Fair (955-59) Edgar, the Peaceable (959-75, First Crowned King of the English) Edward, the Martyr (975-78) Aethelred II, the Unready (978-1013, deposed) Swein/Sven/Sweyn, Forkbeard (1013-14) Aethelred II, the Unready (restored, 1014-16) Edmund II, Ironside (1016) Cnut/Canute, the Great (1016-35) Harthacanute (1035-37, deposed) Harold, Harefoot (1037-40) Harthacanute (restored, 1040-42) Edward I, the Confessor (1042-66) Harold II (1066) Edgar, The Atheling (1066, uncrowned) Posted by a00rock
All of the above to present have one thing in common ,genocide.
It should be a public holiday.
All the best
Happy English day all.
Well it's also William Shakespeare's birthday, so it works out quite well I think.
Kings of the English/England
Athelstan (924-39, First named King of the English)
Edmund I, the Magnificent (939-46)
Eadred (946-55)
Eadwig/Edwy, All-Fair (955-59)
Edgar, the Peaceable (959-75, First Crowned King of the English)
Edward, the Martyr (975-78)
Aethelred II, the Unready (978-1013, deposed)
Swein/Sven/Sweyn, Forkbeard (1013-14)
Aethelred II, the Unready (restored, 1014-16)
Edmund II, Ironside (1016)
Cnut/Canute, the Great (1016-35)
Harthacanute (1035-37, deposed)
Harold, Harefoot (1037-40)
Harthacanute (restored, 1040-42)
Edward I, the Confessor (1042-66)
Harold II (1066)
Edgar, The Atheling (1066, uncrowned)