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Matt Bates In The Well (Bumped)

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
edited August 2020 in Poker Chat

Following the success of Ryan's "In The Well", & by popular demand, our next Weller is Matt Bates.

Matt has agreed to do it, so please post your questions, & Matt will do his best to answer them. 

My thanks to Matt for agreeing to do this.  


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited April 2014

    Matt, we all joke & laugh about how lucky you are, but what exactly are you doing to be so successful in MTT's?

    I've watched a lot of your play on 861, & much of it does not seem to be "textbook", & yet you keep getting the job done, & going deep time after time. 

    What's your formula?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited April 2014

    Do you have a day job, if so, what line of work?

    What part of the country do you live?

    What sports do you follow?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited April 2014

    Any MTT players on Sky that particularly cause you problems?

    How bad do you think Solack is?

    Is CTBN the worst player on Sky Poker?

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2014
    What is your live record like? Do you think your game/style works just as well live as online?

    I'm sure I heard you had a few binks when you went over to Vegas with some of the Sky guys.

    Why don't you play cash? Is it just because you find it less fun? Can you ever see yourself putting in any kind of proper volume playing cash?
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2014
    Hi Matt, 

    I hear you also back some players as well as playing yourself...

    -How has it gone so far?
    -do you back many players?
    -how do you choose players to back?

    which do you prefer to use when playing, a booster seat... or childs desk, so your feet reach the floor?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2014

    What's the most amount of buyins you've ever spent on a standard structured Sky rebuy tournament?

    How long would you need to go without a score to consider yourself on an MTT downswing? (hypothetical obv, I know it hasn't happened yet)

    How do you rate your mental game?

    In a big 30/40+ MTT session on a Sunday for example lots of weird and wonderful stuff will be happening from MTT 1, bad beats, near missus, blow-ups, bubbles, wins, periods where you can't win a hand, can't lose a hand etc. 

    How easy is it to stay as close to your A game as possible for the remainder of the session whilst all this is going on?
    What's the key to doing so? Just experience?

    Favourite Chinese takeaway order?

  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited April 2014
    Hi Matt

    So a player is just about to start an MTT, what 3 tips would you give him/her on how they should approach the tournament? (assume a standard freezeout tournament)
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited April 2014
    Being an MTT grinder, you must be used to playing with different stack sizes....

    So how do you cope being a shorty?

  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited April 2014
    hi matt what,s your game plan at the beging middle and the latter end of tournaments
  • GREGSTERGREGSTER Member Posts: 386
    edited April 2014
    Hi Matt - I think you play anything from £11 - £110 buy ins on here. Do you notice a difference in the standard of play across the different buy ins and do you play differently depending on buy in? 

    Do you make notes on players whilst playing loads of tables or do you not have the time? Is notes on players important to you?

    Do you play cash for a change?


  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited April 2014
    well without blowing 2 much smoke up ur backside i have to say you are probably the toughest player to play against in mtts, you have played me quite a bit so obviously u wont wanna tel me some of my leaks that are exploitable cos its -ev for you but can you give me one piece of advice for me to improve on, il just use it when u arnt at the table :-)
  • 12671267 Member Posts: 936
    edited April 2014
    Hey Matt

    Non poker question. Who would be your England starting 11 for the world cup ?  

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2014
    what do you think seperates the best tournament players from winning tournament players?
  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2014
    Hey Matt,

    I know you play other sites and wondered if you had any big scores elsewhere before you joined sky. The reason is i noticed that amongst the bigger winners of the last few years You/Tommy/Divs mtt wise you all started out struggling on here.

    -£1800 in sng/mtts for yourself over 1400 games which hopefully you won't mind me saying but you then came 2nd for 4k in a tourn and basically never looked back. Just some comparisons tommyd and divs were similar but respectivly 4200 games each-ish. Think that win gave you a massive confidence boost or just variance ironing out ? i just find it remarkable how when some players get that one mtt win they then pile in with another monster score or just motor on full steam ahead.

    Proudest ever win ? i no from experience mine isn't even my biggest score...not even close. Was a pleasure to meet you at UKPC even though i wanted to not like you through sheer jealously of your recent success.

    Do you play live tournies much ? plans in them for the year ? I didn't know you have coaching by mark (very shrewd) - improved your game alot ? Maybe I'll message him :)

    Edit* a former total player way past his glory days informed me my post looks like a rubdown. I assure you it's not to any of you it's just a pattern I've noticed. 
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited April 2014
    Matt, are you interested in the free micro stakes coaching that Paul is offering elsewhere on the forum?
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Matt Bates In The Well:
    Matt, we all joke & laugh about how lucky you are, but what exactly are you doing to be so successful in MTT's? I've watched a lot of your play on 861, & much of it does not seem to be "textbook", & yet you keep getting the job done, & going deep time after time.  What's your formula?  
    Posted by Tikay10
    I think if you play textbook then it can be predictable for opponents. I guess I try and put opponents in tricky spots as often as possible. I have a lot of experience playing MTTs so I am comfortable in situations and have a good feel of when and how to adjust to opponents.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Matt Bates In The Well:
    Do you have a day job, if so, what line of work? What part of the country do you live? What sports do you follow?
    Posted by Tikay10
    I am the finance manager for two companies owned and run by my family. One company manufactures and sells kitchen and bedroom furniture and the other one manufactures anti ligature furniture that goes in prisons.

    I live in Upminster in Essex.

    As I said, I live in Essex so I obviously support Manchester United! I like most sports, particularly Football, Cricket, Rugby and Gymnastics.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited April 2014
    What situation would you need to be in order to go 'pro'?  After a big score?  Or do you think that being 'semi-pro' allows you with more freedom in how you play/stakes/aggression etc.

    If you could go back to the start of the WSOP ME 2 years ago and had to give yourself 1 sentence worth of advice, what would it be?

    What night of the week is your favourite for Sky MTTs?

    Families/friends thoughts of poker?

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Matt Bates In The Well:
    Any MTT players on Sky that particularly cause you problems? How bad do you think Solack is? Is CTBN the worst player on Sky Poker?
    Posted by Tikay10
    Different players cause different problems. There are a lot of players that make things tough for me when I am out of position to them. Two players that I find put me in lots of tough spots are Lnarin and Bolly. 

    Only Solack rivals me in that under rated asset of 'get there-ability' If only his club (Arsenal) knew how to do the same thing!

    Colin is a great man, shared a table with him at an SPT where he had great fun joining in with my sister mocking me on facebook!
  • david666david666 Member Posts: 123
    edited April 2014
    Hi matt, do you spend much time away from the virtual felt working on your game, given that you play considerable volume and work full time, also what advice would you give to rec players looking to improve their game.

    Finally whats more enjoyable, winning a tourney, or getting to tell tommy d that you won a tourney?  :)
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