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Directors of the new Bond film try to cast 007 as his true age.
Directors of the new Bond film try to cast 007 as his true age.
Well that's me struck off his Christmas card list
Great show. ladies.
what's on Tikays mind. if i win a few more chips here i might be able to build a viaduct instead of this tiny bridge, did you know the first viaduct was built in blah blah blah blah.
Hand #771813219
2 questions... did i play this hand badly and in the long term should i be folding on the river or calling...
p.s. no info on opposition...
"How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm not the chip leader!!!!
I'm trying to trade my OAP bus tokens for a seat at the 30p DYM's"
I spotted a visual tell, flop came J Q A diamonds and I just knew I was up against T K red suited.