I took a bit of time out yesterday to play on skypoker.com and ended coming 3rd in the £400 Bounty Hunter and 8th in the £1,000 Bounty Hunter, so I might in fact play a bit more poker now my bankroll has increased... Woohooo! I love the bountyhunters so look out for me if you're playing any.
It's only been a week, but I am back in the studio this evening with analyst Rylan, sorry Ryan Spittles
We are going to be analysing a lot of play so make sure you are online with us!! In fact, you don't even need to be at home because the live stream is now available to watch on tablets and mobile devices!! If its sunny, maybe join us from a pub beer garden?! You'll be surprised how good the stream looks too. Even Orford manages to scrub up ok... and that's saying something!!
You can now also play cash games with SkyPoker on the Go, using an iPhone or iPad, so tell us where you might be playing from? Train? (well maybe not unless you're Tikay...), Bus? Bedroom? Bath?!
Check out the new and improved lobby for cash games on the go here:
The UKPC is obviously back too, which is really exciting news having watched the first episode air on Sky Sportsearlier this week. Hope you enjoyed it if you caught it? It's always great seeing so many players of different abilities coming together to play in an event. Never in any other sport or game could that ever happen. It would be ludicrous to attempt a round of golf with Tiger or race against Hamilton. Yet in poker we can play with our idols. I once played in a tournament (it was a media tourney) with Triple Crown Winner Jake Cody. I didn't last very long!
Let us know if you have any great stories about playing an event with a poker idol or someone you were very impressed by?
How did you keep your calm?
I think it's also great the main event of the UKPC is going to be a 6-Max event too, after the success of that side event in February. Let us know if you plan to attend or attempt any of the satellites on SkyPoker.com?
Who would your dream table consist of?
In fact, if you want to rub shoulders with the stars of poker (and maybe a few of us lot) and attend the fantastic event in August at Nottingham's Dusk Til Dawn casino, I'm offering a free seat (worth £48) for the UKPC Semi-Final on Monday 5th May for the best contribution to us during the live show, either here on the forum or you can email us:
skyopen@bskyb.com or tweet us using #Skypokertv
Just make sure you are free to play on Monday as the seat is non-transferable 
And finally not to forget what's going on... at 8pm not theSUPER roller but the MEGA ROLLER, that means a whopping £30,000 of guaranteed prizes. It's a big one folks so I hope you are getting yourselves registered!
Between 7pm - 8pm we'll be looking at the Final Table of Thursday's Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
Then 8pm - Midnight it will be live coverage from all of those hands in the MEGA ROLLER
So make sure to send us your hand requests so Ryan can analyse your play and help to improve your game.
I will no doubt see you at the felt.
Oh and Happy Star Wars day... May the 4th be with you!
Good Luck!!
My perfect table:
Vicky Coren - bright, intelligent and witty, can be fun and challenge my mind
Devilfish - a laugh a minute, makes me laugh even when he doesn't mean to
Neil Channing - another chat-a-lot guy who believes poker should be fun
Daniel Negraneau - believes the game should be fun
Me - just will lap it up in presence of these geniuses
You don't need to be the best player to make money at poker, just not the worst, so my final choice is:
Rich Orford - the value
I was in Aww when I met my Idol Tikay! Am I bluffing?!
When Ryan is not on the TV, how many MTT's does he play on a Sunday and how long did it take him to build up his roll to the level he wanted? ((Sorry if too personal and cool if he dosen't want to answer).
Have a good show!
Don't forget, as Laura said in her OP, the Live Stream is now MUCH better quality, & can be viewed on Tables, Mobiles, & trains.*
Give it a try, I think you'll be impressed.
* I may have fibbed about trains.
Have a great show.
Quick question for Ryan.
I know it's hard to answer because it can be so playere and table dependant sometimes, but if you were advising someone just starting out in tournaments, in the late stages of a MTT:
What range of hands would you advise to be shoving with 10-15 big blinds from most positions?
And what range of hands would you advise them to call a shove with the same size stack?
Hand History #774235504
Linford Christie - great under the gun & good in race situations
Ronnie O'Sullivan - always takes the pot & good with small pockets
Mark Labbett - good when it comes to chasing
Harry Ramsden - good with chips
Princess Anne - good playing horse games
Cinderella - good with rags
Rafael Nadal - should be good for getting a set
Me - I am quite an agressive animal but pretty cool
Ruled out Tom Daley because he might "splash" the pot
of course laura your self as you say your a bit reckless so you will be throwing chips around
rich orford everybody loves easy chips
simon whitlock being a big darts fan would be nice to sit with him
TK of course i would love to learn about concrete
bill maynard just for the caracter he is
and of course myself there always has to be a loser