Why oh why are your rake fee's for tournaments/SNG's all over the place? £5 + 25p fee £5 + 50p fee £5 + 75p fee £2 + 30p fee £2.20 + 20p fee £2 + 25p fee £1.05 + 10p fee £1 + 15p fee whilst the amounts are small the principle remains. Why are they all different percentages?? Posted by ShaunyT
There's a £5 sitngo/tourney with only a 25p rake? Sky obviously messed this one up Without knowing which are which in your examples I'm guessing the more popular formats ie bounty hunters have the higher rake.
In Response to Very serious question thats tilts my OCD. Sky please respond : There's a £5 sitngo/tourney with only a 25p rake? Sky obviously messed this one up Without knowing which are which in your examples I'm guessing the more popular formats ie bounty hunters have the higher rake. Posted by FlyingDagg
That one was a hyper HU SNG. There are all low stakes tourneys or SNG's. It just seems bizarre to me.
HU SnGs always have 5% rake so that's why there will be £5.25s DYMs/Regular 6max SnGs have 10% rake so £5.50 Higher % rake at micro stakes which just seems standard across the industry. No idea why they charge 75p on some £5 BHs though... Posted by Lambert180
I think it's simply because the people are willing to pay it. I asked a while ago why are they charging 15% rake for BH's and yet the mini BH is 10%. From what I remember I did not really get a logical answer. There is also a BH @ £3.30 and another @ £2.30, go figure.....
Without knowing which are which in your examples I'm guessing the more popular formats ie bounty hunters have the higher rake.