Good Morning,
Good rainy, dreary, May Morning!!! We are very close to the weekend, and I like to think of the Thurs night show as your chance to extend your weekend, and take Friday off by taking down the Bounty Hunter, not that I am encouraging 'sickies' at all
Just the chance to win enough to have a day off and get paid to watch boxsets on the sofa! (finished Dawson's creek, erm Jen dies, bit much, and now finished House of Cards, Spacey is brilliant.)
Hope you have had the chance to watch the footage from the UKPC on Sky Sports 3, it's on at 10pm every Monday. I do not have Sky at home, so sadly I have not seen it
Certainly had fun filming it though. Don't forget to come and join us at the next 6-max UKPC in August, Sky Poker are giving away 20 £1500 packages which includes your 1k buy in and £500 towards your travel and accomodation. One package is up for grabs in the Sunday freeroll, which only costs 10 poker points to enter!!
So with the packages up for grabs, and freerolls in mind;
What is the best thing you have ever won? From a freeroll in poker or life!? I personally never win anything; raffles, bingo, poker, scratch cards.... ooh I won a cup in a netball match once, it was plastic.
What would be your ultimate poker package? If you could design your own?
For the best entry/answer to the show tonight, we have 1 seat worth £48 to the Friday UKPC semi-final.
Ok so your show tonight looks a little like this:
7pm-8pm – Tonight on Sky Poker
Live coverage from the televised Master Cash tables.
8pm-9pm – Top Of The Pots
Count down of the 10 biggest master cash hands of the week.
9pm-10pm – Poker Clinic
Requested hands from the viewers. We’ll block your opponents hole cards and analyse the play from your perspective.
10pm-11pm – Master Cash
More live coverage from the Master Cash Tables.
11pm-12pm – Sky Poker Highlights
Highlights from the late stages of the £12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter. We should get down to a final table and maybe a winner!
If you have anything you want to say, add, ask on the show tonight then we send it in to
As always I look forward to hearing from you later, it's another Fowler hat trick, and this is my first show, so I'll pace myself!
A&T xx
Hopefully Teakles remembers to come in early for his extra time (hour) in the make up chair now we have a much clearer, sharper live stream.
Evening Anna and is it toasted or Chocolate Tony?
The best thing I've ever won is a 2 week FREE holiday with Tony in Sin City; there wasn't alot of sin because Tony stupidly invited my husband Dave as well, but he did follow me around alot, and we had a few private chats when nobody was watching.
The Grimsby Express will be arriving at McCarran airport at the begining of July ready to rail Tony in Event 59 at the Rio.
Love Sue
Hope you're both well
That's all i have to say.
Have a good show
Dream poker set up would be to captain a team of euro players vs a US team and anchor the team to victory live on TV by beating Ivey HU. Make it happen Sky!
Usually hopeless at winning things but a few stand in mind.
My 320-1 shot 7 fold footie acca that came in a couple of weeks ago allowing me to prematurely resurrect my poker diary/challenge and haven't looked back yet either;)
Winning the Boston Town Pool League Pairs Championship with my mate at the first time of asking - we bought ourselves a pair of huge trophies with the money!
When I was a wee little 13 year old and the latest gaming technology was the SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) we had a competition day at our local Boots store and I won an official T-Shirt by beating my best mates score on Super Mario World. Bragging rights followed at school for the next week or so;)
As for the ultimate poker package - One that would guarantee yours truly a seat to the WSOP main event!