Lately ive been playing a lot of DYM STT's for £2+0.25 and £3+0.30
I have cashed in the last 17 of 21 tourneys ive played, so would it be feasible for me to move up to say the £5+0.5 tourneys and test it out?
I've turned £20 into £42.80 in the last couple of days just playing these for fun, so id like someones opinion on whether i should stay where i am, or move up.
My original plan was:
Start: £20 @ £2+0.25 DYM STT's
£30 @ £3+ 0.3 DYM STT's
£50 @ £5+0.5 DYM STT's
£100 @ £10+1 DYM STT's
If i were to start losing money then i would go down a paygrade on the above table. ( hope this makes sense )
I know this is risking ~10% of my bankroll each time and ive heard many people recommend only using 5% at a time, but this way seems to be working fairly well for me up to now.
Anyone have any advice?
Cheers, EEN
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Yea i think i will stick to the plan outlined above, i imagine theres plenty more fishes at this level anyway
Maybe you're right, but the reason i started like this was, as it's only ~£2 per tourney with my bankroll as it is now id have to lose 20 straight tourneys to go bust, and the advantage of this is, if i lose 2 or 3 in a row, i can walk away, take a break and see where im going wrong, then come back the next day or something. It's not as if i can just click buy back in like in cash games so easily. Iwould physically have to wait for 5 more players to join.

I think new plan:
Start @£20 -- ~£2DYM
@£60 -- ~£3DYM
@£100 -- £5DYM
I hope to be at £100 by the end of the month, but only time will tell
Thanks for the input though guys.