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New kid on the block



  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: New kid on the block:
    Great results Matt, keep up the good work! 
    Posted by RLT16
    Thanks man.

    Had a poor weekend, Leam lost 4-1 at home to a horrible club in AFC Fylde, team/fans/officials alike.

    Poker tonight? Just no. Glad to come out £62 down as I took a few heads in some games

  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    Again, just No. Managed to make a Mega FT to jam AQ suited to be called by 93o by man who was playing ATC to get them in cause he realised myself and other villain had an obvious edge. 9 flops and holds, very frustrated. Had some more brutal hands which I just have to laugh at. Never mind. Somehow only £30 down, could've been better had the megastack gone my way. 

    Oh well go again tomorrow
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Monday 9th March:
    Again, just No. Managed to make a Mega FT to jam AQ suited to be called by 93o by man who was playing ATC to get them in cause he realised myself and other villain had an obvious edge. 9 flops and holds, very frustrated. Had some more brutal hands which I just have to laugh at. Never mind. Somehow only £30 down, could've been better had the megastack gone my way.  Oh well go again tomorrow
    Posted by Matt237
    Fair play to him, sounds like he knows what he's doing in a warped way. Take the skill out the game if you think you're the underdog, when the pay jumps are the biggest.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Monday 9th March:
    In Response to Monday 9th March : Fair play to him, sounds like he knows what he's doing in a warped way. Take the skill out the game if you think you're the underdog, when the pay jumps are the biggest.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Yeah can't really fault him. In about 8 orbits the best I had was 10 high on reflection, so couldn't really do much, as other player was half my stack.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Monday 9th March:
    In Response to Re: Monday 9th March : Yeah can't really fault him. In about 8 orbits the best I had was 10 high on reflection, so couldn't really do much, as other player was half my stack.
    Posted by Matt237
    Perhaps he wasn't as stupid as he looked then ;)

    Though calling the jam with 9 high kinda contradicts that.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    Last night I lost about £18, ended up final tabling a 200 GTD for £31 to sort of rescue a poor night. Had to pull an all nighter for 9am Uni this morning to try and find out when my test is next week, turns out I didn't find out and wasted a day in bed lol.

    Wednesday was a little better, ran horrendously in those key hands which make or break games, except for the £5 turbo in which I came 2nd for £49 and was one card away from victory. We got in KQ vs 68dd on Ad Kx 7d 9 on turn and Qd rivered. Not gunna lie wasn't loving it but not sure why he would donk flop then jam with Ax hands, seemed rather passive to me. Was correct, just didn't hold. Had a chance to regain CL with A2<A9 after flopping straight draw and better flush draw but bricked.

    3 £5 BHs and 3 cashes, one I blew a top 3 stack with 10 left running into CL KK, again possibly could get away but didn't plan on it. Another I scraped through a min cash whilst card dead, lost flip. Then in the final one, someone in the BB had 2bb, chip leader raises in CO, I jam KK on button with my 7bb and invitably the BB pushes and CL calls. Hands? Q2 and 34. 34 manages to flop me almost completely dead with a flush. Never mind.

    So over 2 days I profit about £15, some good runs and some sick hands denying further progress. We move to Thursday in a final session before a hectic weekend.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    Remember guys tournament players can't play post flop
    Matt237 Small blind  300.00 300.00 36786.50
    x Big blind  600.00 900.00 6510.00
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 8
    brownlow1 Fold     
    Sngwizkid Fold     
    NUTTTZZ Fold     
    Matt237 Raise  900.00 1800.00 35886.50
    x Call  600.00 2400.00 5910.00
    • Q
    • 3
    • 9
    Matt237 Bet  1200.00 3600.00 34686.50
    x Call  1200.00 4800.00 4710.00
    • 3
    Matt237 Check     
    x Check     
    • A
    Matt237 All-in  34686.50 39486.50 0.00
    x Fold     
    Matt237 Muck     
    Matt237 Win  4800.00  4800.00
    Matt237 Return  34686.50 0.00 39486.50
    x Small blind  15.00 15.00 2975.00
    UGOTNOFANS Big blind  30.00 45.00 2240.00
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • J
    mrc101 Fold     
    Matt237 Raise  90.00 135.00 3410.00
    tayo_mufc Fold     
    Calbo Call  90.00 225.00 2875.00
    x Raise  285.00 510.00 2690.00
    UGOTNOFANS Fold     
    Matt237 Call  210.00 720.00 3200.00
    Calbo Fold     
    • 4
    • 10
    • 2
    x Bet  360.00 1080.00 2330.00
    Matt237 Call  360.00 1440.00 2840.00
    • K
    x Check     
    Matt237 Bet  530.00 1970.00 2310.00
    x Call  530.00 2500.00 1800.00
    • 2
    x Check     
    Matt237 All-in  2310.00 4810.00 0.00
    x Fold     
    Matt237 Muck     
    Matt237 Win  2500.00  2500.00
    Matt237 Return  2310.00 0.00 4810.00
    SPURS273 Small blind  200.00 200.00 9367.50
    DUDLYE888 Big blind  400.00 600.00 26449.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 9
    x Raise  800.00 1400.00 21054.00
    Matt237 Call  800.00 2200.00 15698.74
    barneyblad Fold     
    JKBLUE Fold     
    SPURS273 Fold     
    DUDLYE888 Fold     
    • 2
    • 5
    • K
    x Bet  1100.00 3300.00 19954.00
    Matt237 Call  1100.00 4400.00 14598.74
    • 2
    x Bet  2200.00 6600.00 17754.00
    Matt237 Call  2200.00 8800.00 12398.74
    • 3
    x Check     
    Matt237 Bet  2400.00 11200.00 9998.74
    x Fold
    Few fun hands from last couple of nights with ranges (Hand #3 would follow suit if I miss) :p
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited March 2015
    Hate the J8 hand.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: New kid on the block:
    Hate the J8 hand.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Forgot to star out names. Will reply to this later but alot of history obvs
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    Remembering you have a test at 3pm when still awake at 1 this morning, and having slept 12pm-6pm the day before. Fair to say tonights session will be replaced with sleep!
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    Done quite well tonight to make up what was an awful weekend in more ways than one away from the tables, had a decent Sunday/Monday back at home and got back to poker on Tuesday.

    Tuesday night went pretty badly, managed to recover a little by finishing 3rd in the £5 turbo to finish £18 down. Also managed to final table the 18:20 £5 BH for £19 without taking any heads. Lost majority of key hands tuesday night, hence finishing down.

    Wednesday was a lot different and better, decided i'd give the rebuys a shot for the first time this year and probably in about 7 months, and I ran and played pretty well. The night started off well when I final tabled the 18:20 £5 BH yet again, and also final table bubbled the 18:30 £2 rebuy, accumilating around £45 from those cashes put together. The other games didn't go to plan other than the Main/Mini/Megastack. 

    The megastack I like to take it easy for a few hours and pick spots very accordingly and always seem to manage to have a top 5 stack with around 40-50 left, and then start applying pressure. Got to the bubble rather short and ended up in laddering mode till the final 3, used my edge well vs 2 fish in pre flop spots, then someone cottoned on to limp the button with something good and trap me, I actually woke up with a suited ace to jam anyway but guy had AA and held. Finished 3rd for around £40.

    Mini eventually ended up being no good, spent a fair bit on this with AK not holding early on and a flush draw not getting there. Got 77 in vs J9 with 40 left , came J3537 so thought luck was turning my way but ended up busting in 37th, AQ did not hold against A4, board came 87532 so he flopped extras, turned extras and just had a bad feeling. 2 put me out of my misery and time to concentrate on the main.

    Main started ok, only spent £33 on it and was on 11k at the addon break. Dropped a bit, played a couple of hands well and made a good call down to DU against a reg who was applying pressure but I smelt the BS. Doubled again with KK<99 and then got an awful table draw with Marc Wright and the chip lead on my left, IH8PALACE on my right, with Lerky/Touch_MR/Mulberry, and suddenly I stopped getting dealt cards. Mr Wright was applying pressure everywhere as expected so did alot of folding towards the bubble. The bubble I could not find a hand to go with and my stack was dwindling fast. I got A9o in the big blind with around 8.5bb back, but action went UTG open and 40bb jam, so ended up folding. Eventually the bubble burst and I tried to find spots. Doubled twice, Marc Wright got moved and had a player on my left I knew was very tight so started jamming ATC with confidence blind on blind. Doubled against Mr Bates in a flip, then laddered to final 3 tables. Doubled up off SJ AK<Q8 (was rather short), then came my ext with 15 left. Open AKo utg, Lmfa()allin 3bets the SB, quite a committing raise. Easy jam for me, he calls and flips over 99. No good.

    Ended up +£67 tonight. Little disappointed but again, got to be relatively pleased.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    #1 fun call down, decided on the flop I was going to let reg fire as I'm not sure he raises anything on flop that beats me. River was a bit puke though, but stuck with the gut as the saying goes. Villain is a laggy reg.
    xSmall blind  200.00 200.00 19322.50
    reg Big blind  400.00 600.00 26328.75
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • 10
    milner19 Fold     
    I3ubblejo Fold     
    MAXLOTUS Fold     
    Matt237 Raise  800.00 1400.00 8855.00
    reg Call  400.00 1800.00 25928.75
    • 4
    • 7
    • K
    reg Check     
    Matt237 Bet  800.00 2600.00 8055.00
    reg Raise  2000.00 4600.00 23928.75
    Matt237 Call  1200.00 5800.00 6855.00
    • 7
    reg Bet  2400.00 8200.00 21528.75
    Matt237 Call  2400.00 10600.00 4455.00
    • A
    reg Bet  10600.00 21200.00 10928.75
    Matt237 All-in  4455.00 25655.00 0.00
    reg Unmatched bet  6145.00 19510.00 17073.75
    reg Show
    • 10
    • 9
    Matt237 Show
    • K
    • 10
    Matt237 Win Two Pairs, Kings and 7s 19510.00  19510.00
    #2 Exact same as above, I feel I'm miles ahead so best way is to let another laggy player hang himself, any thoughts?
    reg Small blind  250.00 250.00 17673.75
    milner19 Big blind  500.00 750.00 10197.50
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • Q
    I3ubblejo Fold     
    MAXLOTUS Fold     
    Matt237 Raise  1000.00 1750.00 14560.00
    Call  1000.00 2750.00 16842.50
    reg Fold     
    milner19 Fold     
    • J
    • 10
    • A
    Matt237 Check     
    • 3
    Matt237 Check     
    Bet  1200.00 3950.00 15642.50
    Matt237 Call  1200.00 5150.00 13360.00
    • 7
    Matt237 Check     
    Bet  3375.00 8525.00 12267.50
    Matt237 Call  3375.00 11900.00 9985.00
    • 6
    • 5
    Matt237 Show
    • A
    • Q
    Matt237 Win Pair of Aces 11900.00  21885.00
    #3 C kept trying to bully me in small pots, I try to rep AK hard. :)
    Small blind  125.00 125.00 16080.00
    Matt237 Big blind  250.00 375.00 8730.00
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 10
    touch_MR Fold     
    rancid Fold     
    milner19 Fold     
    I3ubblejo Fold     
    Raise  375.00 750.00 15705.00
    Matt237 Raise  1400.00 2150.00 7330.00
    Call  1150.00 3300.00 14555.00
    • K
    • 6
    • 7
    Matt237 Bet  1450.00 4750.00 5880.00
    Call  1450.00 6200.00 13105.00
    • 2
    Matt237 All-in  5880.00 12080.00 0.00
    Matt237 Muck     
    Matt237 Win  6200.00  6200.00
    Matt237 Return  5880.00 0.00 12080.00
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    Taking a bit of time out due to a poor week and some devastating recent news of my nan passing earlier today whilst I was at football game. 

    Will play the freeroll tomorrow but no play until Wednesday at the very earliest. Good luck everyone, hope to be back fully before UKOPs although I will miss a fair bit of it for football commitments.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: New kid on the block:
    Taking a bit of time out due to a poor week and some devastating recent news of my nan passing earlier today whilst I was at football game.  Will play the freeroll tomorrow but no play until Wednesday at the very earliest. Good luck everyone, hope to be back fully before UKOPs although I will miss a fair bit of it for football commitments.
    Posted by Matt237
    Sorry to hear that man.  Take it easy and see you soon.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,384
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: New kid on the block:
    Taking a bit of time out due to a poor week and some devastating recent news of my nan passing earlier today whilst I was at football game.  Will play the freeroll tomorrow but no play until Wednesday at the very earliest. Good luck everyone, hope to be back fully before UKOPs although I will miss a fair bit of it for football commitments.
    Posted by Matt237
    Heartfelt sympathy to you Matt, and your family 

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited March 2015
    Matt best wishes to you and the family.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited March 2015
    First proper session back after what has been a week from ****. Need to sleep but expect a long update in the morning.

    +£112 tonight in short.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited March 2015

    Very sorry to hear about your Nan, Matt. 
  • GaryLaudGaryLaud Member Posts: 535
    edited March 2015
    Know how you feel matt. Lost my Grandmother in May 2014. Stay Strong... My Condolences to you & your family. 
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited April 2015
    March away from the tables was an absolute month to forget. Everything just decided to go wrong. More news came out about my parents divorce which happened 8 years ago that has now killed me inside too as it seems myself and sister have been lied to all this time and one of my parents was deemed to be made 'almost scu(m)' by the rest of my family, turns out it's been a cover up and its the other way around!

    Funeral next Thursday, not really something to look forward to especially as one parent does not want the other to attend but they are coming anyway to pay tribute (well you would wouldn't you if she was a mother in law for 16 years).

    Close friend of mine who has anxiety also been harrassed and followed around by a couple of people who seem intent on ruining her life for personal gain, another thing which upsets me and kinda makes me angry. Some people eh?

    Then there is poor old Matt stuck here at Uni not wanting to go home over the easter break because of everything that's gone on and has not really had a clear head or motivation to do any work or poker, even football games have seemed like a chore.

    The only good news I can bring out of March is that i've officially been taken off my consultants list and discharged from hospital for 6 months. Having been through faulty big operations, life threatening conditions, receiving terrible news of things I have to live the rest of my life with. So being on a 6 month list is awesome stuff.


    Right, Mini life rant over. 10 day break from life has done myself good and we're back.

    March was not a great volume month, In total I played 137 MTTs and made £226 + £11 ish on rakeback so with all that's gone on we can be rather happy with that I suppose.

    A few months back I was targetting DYMs for my poker fix but with one of my modules this semester being 1 hour a week with 0 exam assessment I seem to have more time on my hands so will continue down the MTT road for now and see where we are at the end of April before exam time comes along. Have a lot planned for April so not many poker targets I can set. I have found a good fixed daily schedule with extras dependant on the day now to stick to and try and put a lot more MTT volume in. Going to target 250-300 games, will take any profit obvs :-). Good luck everyone.
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