Being a relatively inexperienced player still trying to improve I entered the freeroll to get into the semi I surprised myself by coming second out of nearly 200 players. onto the semi only 23 players in with the top 5 going through was getting rather excited lol. picture the scene get dealt 66 and call flop goes 10 10 6 rubbing my hands one guy bets quite big I just call river is a q guy bets bigger I think its xmas lol and go all in he calls on the reveal he has A10 please don't be an ace on the river I shouldn't have worried it was a 10 ******* god how gutted was I lol. I wonder if I should have done anything different don't think he would have folded anyway?
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Very unlucky Mr Parkhead.
You can play the hand any number of different ways, but you were always going to lose because, as you note, he was NEVER folding A-10 on a flop of 10-10-6, nor should he.
Just one of those things, I'm afraid, just because we lose a hand does not mean we have played it wrongly, or badly.
We should always be wary when we have the "under-house" (& much more so in Omaha), & I suppose, in a really well-structuted, big buy-in event (say, the WSOP Main) we can, with difficulty, find a fold, but in a regular online Tourney, it's just one of those things, & we have to go with it.
Anyway, welcome to the Sky Poker Community, hope you stick around.
Any questions, fire away.
Incidentally, the odds were.....
Pre-Flop you were 54% to win
On the flop you were 77% to win.
On the turn you were 84%.
(All percentages approx).
These sound huge percentages, but 77% (on the flop) means, roughly, you win 3 times in 4 - or lose 1 time in 4. So not THAT huge.
Look at it an easier way - pre-flop you were only a very small favourite, effectively a coin flip.