i luckboxed my way into the UKPC final on sunday from a freeroll,can i dereg and take the money or will it dereg and not put the money in my account, i really could do with the money my roll has nearly gone so it would save me depositing again.
I'm afraid you have to play it mate Posted by SJspanky1
thought so,oh well i,ll have to try and get lucky again
EDIT:do you win the 1500 package or just the seat cuz the freeroll advertises tha 1500 package but the final advertises just the seat,i conna afford hotels IF i manage to get THRU
I believe if you can somehow beg/borrow/steal £1,100 before the £220 final and use it to register the UKPC itself, then should you qualify from the final you will be credited with £1,100 cash to your account.
You can then manually unregister and get your initial £1,100 investment back.
This is the way with all other sats, just double check it's the same for sats to live events before attempting it.
Stoke well done hope you have a great time. Don't even think about not playing it, it's a rare opportunity you have.Hells bells we'll even have a whip round for your hotel if we have to.
Very well done mate,good to see one of us low stake mtt players winning a seat to these events.,as others have said just enjoy it and remember it is two cards and a seat,simple as that lol.play your normal game and have no regrets,don't play with fear and mix it up a bit,I'm sure you will do well you have a good game,enjoy!
I believe if you can somehow beg/borrow/steal £1,100 before the £220 final and use it to register the UKPC itself, then should you qualify from the final you will be credited with £1,100 cash to your account.
You can then manually unregister and get your initial £1,100 investment back.
This is the way with all other sats, just double check it's the same for sats to live events before attempting it.
Vwd and best of luck (whatever you decide to do!)