In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP Holdem League Tornie, Weds 23rd Oct 7.30pm!! : Simon, I was booted from the FOSP group for having the audacity to question the timing of a post by Dave. It was made clear, in no uncertain terms, that its his way or the highway and out I went. So then do you really expect me to play in their tournament? So I didn't ''take the other option'', it was forced on me. And if not playing a 20 runner MTT every Wednesday night is me missing out on some big bright be it. Sounds like there are a few unsavoury characters in that group anyway. Dare to offer an opinion and you're left hung out to dry it seems. Posted by hhyftrftdr
Jon, You rudely & publically Questioned why I had the audacity to post promoting the weds FOSP game in the FOSP Group!!!!!.....because it was a Monday nite & 10.30pm .......WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I then pm'ed you & we exchanged messages, where I did ask you " why are you acting the C***" Which I later Apologised for, tho You refused to accept!
You then 'WALKED' from FOSP FB group, which I was grateful for, thanks
You ARE WELCOME to play FOSP game, as ALL are, but seems you are not interested in playing, but keep posting on HERE & harassing Me & FOSP in general. despite me asking you not to post on my threads, and I wont on yours, which I thought we had kind of agreed upon!!
PLEASE DO THAT NOW, as You are becoming a nuisance, as you were when trying to goad me in chatbox of My main Final table on Thursday, despit that I managed 4th having to ignore you, but this will be reported to Sky!!
Good day sir, I hope this can be end of matter & we both move on!!
Come on Dave, if you're gonna spout off then at least get your facts straight.
I was removed from the FOSP group, I didn't leave. You know this as well as I do. You even congratulated me on being the first person booted!
It was Wednesday's FT, not Thursday, and I and others were there to support Jordz16. If you're gonna report me for telling bickering women (Sam25 and Trippy) to keep the rail harmonious then please fill your boots, I encourage you. Can't wait to see Sky's response to that. It surely isn't revenge for me reporting you for calling me a knob on numerous occasions in the chatbox?
Also, any further threats of violence should be sent to me and not via my friends, thank you.
Come on Dave, if you're gonna spout off then at least get your facts straight. I was removed from the FOSP group, I didn't leave. You know this as well as I do. You even congratulated me on being the first person booted! It was Wednesday's FT, not Thursday, and I and others were there to support Jordz16. If you're gonna report me for telling bickering women (Sam25 and Trippy) to keep the rail harmonious then please fill your boots, I encourage you. Can't wait to see Sky's response to that. It surely isn't revenge for me reporting you for calling me a knob on numerous occasions in the chatbox? Also, any further threats of violence should be sent to me and not via my friends, thank you. Careful Dave, don't let the mask slip. You're welcome to post on my thread btw Posted by hhyftrftdr
Yawn!! I have no wish to post on your thread!
Please lets keep to not posting on each others, as your petty little knocks & digs about Me & FOSP are probably boring the community to Death!!
Threats?? non have been made, lol!!
Simple solution is to ignore, so please do not post on here, as it is always only a subtle goad at best!
In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP PLO League Tornie, Weds 30th Oct 7.15pm!! : Yawn!! I have no wish to post on your thread! Please lets keep to not posting on each others, as your petty little knocks & digs about Me & FOSP are probably boring the community to Death!! Threats?? non have been made, lol!! Simple solution is to ignore, so please do not post on here, as it is always only a subtle goad at best! Posted by HITMAN_RV
So you didn't message someone about ''ironing me out''? Or maybe you just talking about my clothes? Like I said, please direct any further threats of violence at me instead of through my friends. At least be a man about it.
I put forward a very valid argument about the continued failings of the FOSP game. Surely even you can see how poor the numbers are? Perhaps if you listened, instead of burying your head/ego in the sand, or shouting people down for not being ''constructive'', it might be able to attract more than 4 tables of runners weekly.
I don't recall agreeing to not post on each others threads. Bearing in mind I can't post on the FOSP FB group, this is my only means to convey my thoughts. As you say every week, ALL are welcome.
In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP PLO League Tornie, Weds 30th Oct 7.15pm!! : Dave , is there a password for this game, I would be delighted to play. I have a few wrinkles, but please do not Iron me out. Posted by 67Bhoys
You very welcome Craig!!
PS 'Iron out'??? Unreasonable Men in certain Circumstances may use that kind of language. I have heard it used, but I hope in my old Age I have become more reasonable & sensible to lower myself as such, despite any goading, lol!!
In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP PLO League Tornie, Weds 30th Oct 7.15pm!! : PMSL!!! You very welcome Craig!! PS 'Iron out'??? Unreasonable Men in certain Circumstances may use that kind of language. I have heard it used, but I hope in my old Age I have become more reasonable & sensible to lower myself as such, despite any goading, lol!! Posted by HITMAN_RV[/QUOTE
Thank Gord that I'm not on the hit list, thanks for the welcome to your game, result...
In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP PLO League Tornie, Weds 30th Oct 7.15pm!! :
In Response to Re: Friends Of Sky Poker, 'FOSP' Thread. FOSP PLO League Tornie, Weds 30th Oct 7.15pm!! : PMSL!!! You very welcome Craig!! PS 'Iron out'??? Unreasonable Men in certain Circumstances may use that kind of language. I have heard it used, but I hope in my old Age I have become more reasonable & sensible to lower myself as such, despite any goading, lol!! Posted by HITMAN_RV[/QUOTE Thank Gord that I'm not on the hit list, thanks for the welcome to your game, result... 67Bhoys 27000 1 £17.55 painter007 0 2 £9.45 Ron2121 0 3 geoff1946 0 4 Chris_Mc 0 5 Ice_Tiger 0 6 sherifoo7 0 7 churchy18 0 8 azure187 0 9 Posted by 67Bhoys
LOL!! Never!!
welcome to OUR Friendly PLO game Mate!!
Quickie Question??
Would You/Others prefer PLO8 Every week or the Alternating weekly with Standard PLO that is intended going forward??
Wp to Craig 67Bhoys for this weeks victory FINAL FOSP OMAHA VARIANTS TABLE FOR NOVEMBER 45 unique players but only 8 played 2 weeks or more bbMike retains the title Posted by SolarCarro
bbMike wins the Sky Donated Added Value Prize of a FOSP £5.50 Seat!!
GOOD LUCK to The TWO Sky Poker Teams, HITSQUAD, & SCOTSQUAD Today!!
They are representing Sky Poker at the APAT National Team Championships in Manchester!!
Please keep us informed of progress!!!
I then pm'ed you & we exchanged messages, where I did ask you " why are you acting the C***"
Which I later Apologised for, tho You refused to accept!
You then 'WALKED' from FOSP FB group, which I was grateful for, thanks
You ARE WELCOME to play FOSP game, as ALL are, but seems you are not interested in playing, but keep posting on HERE & harassing Me & FOSP in general. despite me asking you not to post on my threads, and I wont on yours, which I thought we had kind of agreed upon!!
PLEASE DO THAT NOW, as You are becoming a nuisance, as you were when trying to goad me in chatbox of My main Final table on Thursday, despit that I managed 4th having to ignore you, but this will be reported to Sky!!
Good day sir, I hope this can be end of matter & we both move on!!
I was removed from the FOSP group, I didn't leave. You know this as well as I do. You even congratulated me on being the first person booted!
It was Wednesday's FT, not Thursday, and I and others were there to support Jordz16. If you're gonna report me for telling bickering women (Sam25 and Trippy) to keep the rail harmonious then please fill your boots, I encourage you. Can't wait to see Sky's response to that. It surely isn't revenge for me reporting you for calling me a knob on numerous occasions in the chatbox?
Also, any further threats of violence should be sent to me and not via my friends, thank you.
Careful Dave, don't let the mask slip.
You're welcome to post on my thread btw
I have no wish to post on your thread!
Please lets keep to not posting on each others, as your petty little knocks & digs about Me & FOSP are probably boring the community to Death!!
Threats?? non have been made, lol!!
Simple solution is to ignore, so please do not post on here, as it is always only a subtle goad at best!
Hour late Reg, £3.30, 3000 chips
PLO8, HiLo THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!
FOSP PLO Varients LEAGUE TOURNIE Nov Week 5!!!!
TY to Dave, Solarcarro, League Manager for running.
£5.50 FOSP or Mini Seat for the Monthly Winner added Bonus from Sky Poker Ty
{ALL Means ALL, too!!}
I put forward a very valid argument about the continued failings of the FOSP game. Surely even you can see how poor the numbers are? Perhaps if you listened, instead of burying your head/ego in the sand, or shouting people down for not being ''constructive'', it might be able to attract more than 4 tables of runners weekly.
I don't recall agreeing to not post on each others threads. Bearing in mind I can't post on the FOSP FB group, this is my only means to convey my thoughts. As you say every week, ALL are welcome.
Or is it ALL* are welcome...
....*just don't disagree with anything I say.
You very welcome Craig!!
PS 'Iron out'??? Unreasonable Men in certain Circumstances may use that kind of language. I have heard it used, but I hope in my old Age I have become more reasonable & sensible to lower myself as such, despite any goading, lol!!
They have just WON the APAT National Team Championships in Manchester!!
They are a Credit to SKY POKER!!
GWAN TARTAN ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

45 unique players but only 8 played 2 weeks or more
bbMike retains the title
bbMike wins the Sky Donated Added Value Prize of a FOSP £5.50 Seat!!
VWP Sir!! is weds 3rd-12-14 ok??
WEEK 1 of FOSP December Holdem League!!
Lobby & Reg Link HERE!!......
Special TY Simon Slykllist, November League Manager!!
WEDS 3rd dec 7.30pm, 5000 chips, 10 min blinds, Hour late reg!!
Monthly 1st & 2nd get £33 Sky Sports BH Seats 3rd, 4th, 5th get £5.50 Mini Seats!
Weekly Winners also get Free SKY FOSP SEATS!!
....& ALL SKY PLAYERS ARE Welcome to Join in!!
Great work too, Brian, Churchy HAS A THREAD on Sky Forum asking the Questions about a possible OmahaHiLo PLO8, League!!
Positive Move Brian !! loving Your Work!!
Please add some positive input if YOU are interested
Monthly 1st & 2nd Win Sky Sports BH Seat thurs 4th dec 8pm
Monthly 3rd,4th,5th,6th win FOSP Seat Weds 3rd Dec 7.30pm
Weekly Tournie Winners Win FOSP Seat Weds 3rd[or/& weds10th] Dec!!
ChipsMagro x 2
PS Look out For Info on FOSP Hilo League Run/Managed by Brian, Churchy!!
Would play tonight but I'm washing my hair.