So I was late home tonight after being out all day and annoyingly missed the roller again when I keep planning to play it every week!! Got back at half past but by the time I had tea it was quarter to 9 and I didn't particularly feel like late regging. Just seen late reg was still available 10 mins ago and was almost tempted by it but I can just never justify it! I just feel like I've missed so much of the tourney and if I had entered it from the start I may have doubled up my chip stack - or at least had a chance to do so. (especially in a tournament that I like predominantly because of the deep structure similar to cash at the start) Is it still +ev to enter a tournament that late? Does anyone here do it often?
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I prefer to take my seat from the very start in any MTT, but will late-reg freeze-outs and rebuys when running late or short of time.
Bounty Hunters are the exception. As each player busts the prizepool gets smaller and it makes less sense to buy-in. I like to be there from the very start while the all the 'bingo' players who will happily punt their entire stack very light are still in the field.
Having said that, it does exist so I do it on occasion for deep stack events.