Can we please make mention to the Winner of DTD #2, "EarBeard2" who collected just over £45 for his brilliance on the poker table last night. I busted myself in 24th spot, and got moved table about half-way through my "adventure" onto a table containing mr Beard. He proceeded Shoot up his stack into the chip lead and stayed there throughout most of the eventual gameplay.
I wished all the best as I left the rail at 11:30 and woke up some 11hrs later to find that he had indeed "Taken it down".
CONGRATULATIONS to you Sir, and from what I observed of his play, fully deserved to win too!
Firstly thank you who railed me last night, getting harder and harder to score never mind win so thank you for the support. Secondly would it be possible could swap my entry into tomorrow's open for either a turbo seat this evening or entry into to 9:30 bounty on Friday as I can not play on a weds. If it not possible offer my seat to Simon
Team Table & Results, Points as follows, GL for the new month. EDIT - apols for terrible format, tis late.
DTD3 was won by POKEY2011 +1 (TPT)
Forum DTD Team Result June 2014, Week 1
Team Runners Wins TeamPts LeaguePts
HitSquad 22 1 28 7
Poker Titans 18 1 10 6
Outlaws 7 - 6 5
Knight Poker 5 - 4 4
Dragons 8 - 1 3
Team 51 3 - - 2
Also very Well Done to both :-
2nd Place SLYKLLIST (THS ) who had a score of 12pts (made 1x FT) & Wins Entry to next weeks Forum DTD
3rd Place SIMONLUFC (IND) who had a score of 14 pts (made 1x FT) & Wins Entry to next weeks Forum DTD
Well Done to all that made Final Tables & to Everyone that Cashed
Has been another Great Night of Poker & we'll see you all next week