Just a short note to say that i recieved an e-mail from Sky Poker yesterday saying i was in a Dym and there was colluding at the the table i was on. I have to say i dont remember the game at all and i certainly didnt report anything but i had my account credited by £ 15.00. Sky Poker mentioned that appropiate action has been taken against whoever the players were.
So thanks Sky for the £ 15.00 and much appreciated.
I have put the £ 15.00 on Messi/Argentina as Top scorers at 12-1.
P.s i will be moaning to Sky Bet if this doesnt come in.
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It's really good to hear about stuff like this
For all its faults, sky poker has a lot of fundamental things right. The forum is excellent, not just the players but the fact sky reps, presenters and pros post regularly (Tikay is in Vegas and still posting!)
Top job sky! Now....... about introducing antes?????
Alfie, the game in question you played against two high profile "regs" who myself and another forum member discovered were colluding at DYM's. (I'll refrain from naming the other member untill he gives his permission.)
We gathered undeniable evidence of the cheating and also showed how the profits from this cheating were being redistributed evenly amongst themselves.
We presented all our evidence to Sky and after they saw it was blatant cheating they banned the players involved and now some weeks later they have issued players with refunds.
My only concern is how much longer this cheating would have continued if it wasnt for the suspicious minds of me and my fellow detective.
When you say it would have been easy to keep players in the dark. your wrong, because it was players who highlighted the cheating in the first place. I personally would not have let the matter rest untill players who literally had money stole from them had been refunded.
Still a step forward, wp Sky.
I obviously don't know the situation you are referring to but i would suggest that if someone was wronged (and had cast iron proof) then they should have gone to whatever lengths necessary to ensure that they were compensated. I would include contacting sky's licensing authority as an option.
He's taken 10s of thousands off the site since, live and online.
Still beating the games now.
Can't change what's happened, but at least they seem to be trying to stop it happening again.
Just checked my e mails & ive had 2 DYMs refunded by Sky...I can usually spot if something fishy is going on, so they must of been good !